May 15, 2011 (edited) , 翻译为ZH (显示翻译) , 从EN翻译 (展示原始文件)
I had a crazy idea to get all interested members to list their 10 favourites (Yes, I know yanks and others spell that without the 'u'). I intended to volunteer to collate all posts and publish a tally sheet periodically.
It seemed like a good idea to me at first.
Then I began to list the performers (dancers/strippers/ladies, take your pick) that I personally enjoyed most. Five or so names came right to mind, but then I found myself adding lots more. Can't leave out her, or her, or her, and so it went until I had listed not 10, but 50 that qualified as really enjoyable viewing for me. (And that list does NOT include several ladies I have no doubt would be in the top two or three for somebody else, for example, Ashley Robbins.)
It was then I realised/realized my original idea WAS crazy, and for me, truly Mission Impossible. I MIGHT, after a lot of angst, be able to trim my list to below 25. Don't guarantee it, for the task of cutting ladies from my list feels as hard as if I had to decide which fingers to do without. But down to 10? Forget about it!
So, I'm left with a thought I have mentioned already elsewhere. We 13,986,525 members (at time of writing) of VGHD owe a vote of thanks to those responsible for providing us with the opportunity to enjoy such a wide selection of beautiful women performing for our pleasure. Thanks guys.
Hmmm... 14 million members owning as few as 10 cards each on average adds up to a nice little earner for somebody a LOT smarter than me. Even 1 card each.