Welcome to the final round of the VGHD 2010 Awards.
Here you see the semi-finalists in the second 5 catagories which will wrap up the Awards.
You have been provided with samples of each nominee above, but I suggest you watch the shows before making your final decision. I know it's going to be hard to pick just one but that's how a poll works.
Feel free to make comments below, but lets keep it civil. If your favorite girl didn't make it into the finals, be gracious about it. As far as I'm concerned every finalist in here is a winner.
I want to thank all the members who nominated, I know how difficult it was for some of you and Starryk, for his help in tabulating votes, helping make sample pictures and keeping me from giving up in frustration.
This threads category is:
Guilty Pleasure: Top Deskbabes show. Duos, solos, it's all good... but baaaad.
The award for Best Guilty Pleasure goes to:
139 votes
Kitty Jane & Christina Jolie