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Small reminder concerning the SEC obtained only with games of chance.  

  Forum / Everything about iStripper

Joined in Apr 2008

729 post(s)
September 30, 2020
Thanks for sharing a company statement there, @Kaiju.

I don't have a problem with the frequency of SEC, as I don't get most of them anyway, and I like that there will be more ways of getting them, that hopefully don't prove too expensive.

Good luck!
Joined in Feb 2008

167 post(s)
September 30, 2020

Maybe pin that reply/stance at the top of this Forum section and restrict comments. It might save these threads cropping up so much.
Joined in Feb 2019

34 post(s)
September 30, 2020
sooo... where is the support picture found that you guys are adding to your profile picture
Joined in Jun 2012

744 post(s)
September 30, 2020 (edited)
Personally, I think a lot of these gambling games and promotions take away from the core idea of iStripper.

I would like to see it simplified like this: A "Baker's Dozen".

Buy any 12 cards in any month, and the 13th card is free.

Buy all the cards in a month, and the SEC is yours for free. Issue one SEC every month, with a theme.

Simple, easy to understand and fair. The more you buy, the better your benefit.

And equal for any level of membership. The only difference is members with smaller collections pay more to get the SEC than loyal members.

I don't know why that would be so hard to implement.

I think it is obsessive customers who create the conflict. The SEC and games have literally no impact on the product if you---> Open Istripper--> go to store---> click buy--> go to collection--> click play. We get 7 cards a week regardless of SE, they are the same price as FIVE years ago, and there is zero reason to every see a gambling game unless you search it out. Customers make istripper more than the product, which is why totem has offered the opportunity to gamble, and win nothing for something. Customers drive it because they want all 5000 cards and can't accept that they might not have one, even though they can't possible enjoy all of them. Totem continues to bring in high quality talent, and produce high quality product...the side games create "passion", "competition", and a sense of superiority for people who want such a thing. Totem didn't create the desire to be "special", they are just taking advantage of it monetarily.
Joined in Aug 2017

1353 post(s)
October 1, 2020 (edited)

How have you intervened several times on the subject of SEC? Especially on the irritants that these cause, since their initial change of vocation?

The last time I remember one of your interventions, was in a discussion thread I was also the author of "To those like me who want to be able to buy special event cards (To those like me want to be able to buy special events cards) ", discussion thread started on September 22, 2019. Also say 1 year.
Everything about iStripper / To those like me who want to be able to buy special event cards (À ceux qui comme moi veulent pouvoir acheter les carte...
To those like me who want to be able to buy special event cards Hello It is very rare that I ***** or express my displeasure on this forum. In fact, I don't think I've ever done it before. It is not c...
You wrote this on September 24, 2019
Everything about iStripper / To those like me who want to be able to buy special event cards (À ceux qui comme moi veulent pouvoir acheter les carte...
Hi All, We understand that some of you are frustrated because of the "special events" cards and we hear you. The truth is that Totem always had in mind to create "rare" cards (It probably has somethin...
"Hi all,

We understand that some of you are frustrated with the “special events” cards and we hear you.

The truth is, Totem has always had in mind to create "rare" cards (this probably has something to do with the fact that the founders are Magic players;)). Of the 7 special event cards we have released so far, 4 are from pre-orders or Advent calendars and 3 were added as part of a scratch ticket promotion.

We had heard your claims before with the first Special Event Cards we released. That's why we decided to create the Joker card, to give you more chances to get the special events cards. And it worked! 50 of you won this wild card and were able to get Melena's special card if they hadn't won it by scratching.

But it's obviously always frustrating when you're unlucky. That's why we've decided to work on new ways to get Special Event Cards NOT just based on luck but as rewards for your LOYALTY.

We will update on that by the end of the year. "

Apart from your Joker Card, which again is obtained with games of chance, how have you responded to the request of many here, to be able to obtain or buy these cards other than through games for 1 year? With rare exceptions such as obtaining an SEC with the purchase of all cards for the month of August 2020.

Do you think that this end of a sentence from a year ago

"We will keep updated on this by the end of the year."

looks like this in this thread.

"but should be online by the end of the year."

I asked you this on December 1, 2019 and never got a response from you.
Everything about iStripper / To those like me who want to be able to buy special event cards (À ceux qui comme moi veulent pouvoir acheter les carte...
24 september 2019 Quote from @kaiju (Team) Hi All, We understand that some of you are frustrated because of the "special events" cards and we hear you. The truth is that Totem always had in mind to cr...
I imagine you know the sayings "scalded cat ***** cold water". Well that's how I personally feel.

I will believe it, when there will be a concrete way to obtain these cards other than through games.

By the way, is there one in your future projects? Is it the rewards system that will give us more chance to get special event cards by accumulating "points"?

What does it consist of?

Because for my part having to buy everything that you sell (the cards and the VR shows), I wonder what it will take for you to prove my LOYALTY as customers, to be able to obtain these cards, of which I have no advantage in trying to obtain them by games of chance? I have amply passed the loyalty stage, through the sums of money that I have invested in your business.

I hope you won't wait a year this time to give me an answer on this thread.

Because the tensions and the disrespect that you talk about, comes a lot from your silence (which is also a form of disrespect), and from the fact that some members try to answer for you.

It is your answers that I want to have and not those of the other members.

I sincerely hope that this story will eventually come to an end, and that the peace of which you speak will return on this forum, because I repeat it, I really like your product, but we should especially not take for granted my LOYALTY and that from other customers here.

Thanks in advance for your reply.
Joined in Aug 2017

1353 post(s)
October 1, 2020 (edited)
En français


En quoi êtes-vous intervenu plusieurs fois sur le sujet des SEC ? Surtout sur les irritants que ceux-ci provoquent, depuis leur changement de vocation de départ ?

La dernière fois dont je me souviens d'une de vos interventions, c'était dans un fil de discussion dont j'avais été aussi l'auteur "To those like me who want to be able to buy special event cards (À ceux qui comme moi veulent pouvoir acheter les cartes événements spéciaux)", fil de discussion débuté le 22 septembre 2019. Aussi bien dire 1 an.
Everything about iStripper / To those like me who want to be able to buy special event cards (À ceux qui comme moi veulent pouvoir acheter les carte...
To those like me who want to be able to buy special event cards Hello It is very rare that I ***** or express my displeasure on this forum. In fact, I don't think I've ever done it before. It is not c...
Vous écriviez ceci le 24 septembre 2019
Everything about iStripper / To those like me who want to be able to buy special event cards (À ceux qui comme moi veulent pouvoir acheter les carte...
Hi All, We understand that some of you are frustrated because of the "special events" cards and we hear you. The truth is that Totem always had in mind to create "rare" cards (It probably has somethin...
Réponse que je vais traduire ici en français:

"Salut à tous,

Nous comprenons que certains d'entre vous sont frustrés par les cartes «événements spéciaux» et nous vous entendons.

La vérité est que Totem a toujours eu à l'esprit de créer des cartes "rares" (cela a probablement quelque chose à voir avec le fait que les fondateurs sont des joueurs Magic;)). Sur les 7 cartes d'événement spécial que nous avons publiées jusqu'à présent, 4 proviennent de précommandes ou de calendriers de l'Avent et 3 ont été ajoutées dans le cadre d'une promotion de billets à gratter.

Nous avions déjà entendu vos revendications avec les premières cartes d’événements spéciaux que nous avions publiées. C’est pourquoi nous avons décidé de créer la carte Joker, pour vous donner plus de chances d’obtenir les cartes d’événements spéciaux. Et ça a fonctionné ! 50 d’entre vous ont gagné cette carte joker et ont pu obtenir la carte spéciale de Melena s’ils ne l’avaient pas gagné en grattant.

Mais c'est évidemment toujours frustrant de ne pas avoir de chance. C'est pourquoi nous avons décidé de travailler sur de nouvelles façons d'obtenir des cartes d'événements spéciaux non seulement en fonction de la chance, mais en tant que récompenses pour votre FIDÉLITÉ.

Nous ferons le point à ce sujet d'ici la fin de l'*****ée. "

Hormis votre Joker Card, qui s'obtient à nouveau avec les jeux de hasard, comment avez-vous répondu à la demande de nombreuses personnes ici, de pouvoir obtenir ou acheter ces cartes autrement que par le biais de ces jeux, depuis 1 an ? À part de rares exceptions comme l'obtention d'une SEC à l'achat de toutes les cartes pour le mois d'août 2020.

Pensez-vous que cette fin de phrase d'il y a un an:

"Nous vous tiendrons au courant de cela d'ici la fin de l'*****ée."

ressemble à ceci dans ce fil de discussion ?

"mais devrait être en ligne d'ici la fin de l'*****ée."

Je vous ai posé cette question le 1er décembre 2019 et je n'ai jamais reçu de réponse de votre part.
Everything about iStripper / To those like me who want to be able to buy special event cards (À ceux qui comme moi veulent pouvoir acheter les carte...
24 september 2019 Quote from @kaiju (Team) Hi All, We understand that some of you are frustrated because of the "special events" cards and we hear you. The truth is that Totem always had in mind to cr...
J'imagine que vous connaissez les dicton "Chat échaudé craint l'eau froide". Eh bien, c'est ce que je ressens personnellement.

Je le croirai, quand il y aura un moyen concret d'obtenir ces cartes autrement que par des jeux.

Au fait, y en a-t-il un dans vos futurs projets ? Est-ce le système de récompenses, qui nous donnera plus de chance d'obtenir des cartes d'événements spéciaux en accumulant des «points»?

En quoi cela consiste t'il ?

Car pour ma part, j'achète tout ce que vous vendez (les cartes et les shows VR), je me demande ce qu'il faudra pour vous prouver ma FIDÉLITÉ en tant que clients, pour pouvoir obtenir ces cartes, dont je n'ai aucun avantage à essayer de les obtenir par les jeux de hasard? J'ai largement dépassé le stade de la fidélisation, avec les sommes d'argent que j'ai investies dans votre entreprise et produits.

J'espère que vous n'attendrez pas un an cette fois pour me donner une réponse sur ce fil de discussion.

Parce que les tensions et le manque de respect dont vous parlez viennent beaucoup de votre silence (qui est aussi une forme de manque de respect), et du fait que certains membres essaient de répondre à votre place.

Ce sont vos réponses que je veux avoir et non celles des autres membres.

J'espère sincèrement que cette histoire finira par se terminer, et que la paix dont vous parlez reviendra sur ce forum, car je le répète, j'aime beaucoup votre produit, mais il ne faut surtout pas tenir pour acquis ma FIDÉLITÉ et celle de d'autres clients ici.

Merci d'avance pour votre réponse.
Joined in Aug 2018

1013 post(s)
October 1, 2020
I sincerely hope that this story will eventually come to an end,
and that the peace of which you speak will return on this forum, because I repeat it
Please keep in Mind, that for a peaceful together, are both sides important 😉
And as long as you are willing to repeat this kind of Discussion, the Peace will never return on this Forum.
Just my toughts :)
Joined in Aug 2017

1353 post(s)
October 1, 2020 (edited)
Ask yourself this question @Stanton

Why have there been several threads, and not just by me, that have been written about this topic on the forum?

Do you sincerely believe that this is because the people concerned have no reason to point out that the current SEC policy for several of these cards could cause dissatisfaction for a segment of Totem's customers, without the possibility? other than the game to get them and it's just a matter of ***** for the sake of *****?

What do you call putting cards in people's faces that they can only buy and acquire by spending large sums of money on games without being sure of getting them?

We have to pretend that everyone thinks the same way.

I respect other people's way of seeing things, and don't stop them from playing games.

I don't like being judged as a collector, ***** gambling.

Posez-vous cette question @Stanton

Pourquoi y a t-il eu plusieurs fils de discussion et pas juste par moi, qui ont été écrit sur ce sujet sur le forum ?

Croyez-vous sincèrement que c'est parce que les personnes concernées n'ont pas de raison de souligner que la politique des SEC actuelle pour plusieurs de ces cartes, puisse provoquer pour une tranche de la clientèle de Totem de l'insatisfaction, sans possibilité autre que le jeu de les obtenir et que c'est juste une question de se plaindre pour se plaindre ?

Comment appelle t'on le fait de mettre dans le visage des gens des cartes qu'ils ne peuvent acheter et acquérir qu'en dépensant de fortes sommes d'argent dans des jeux sans certitude malgré cela de les obtenir ?

Il est faut de prétendre que tous pensent de la même façon.

Je respecte la façon de voir les choses des autres personnes, et ne les empêche pas de jouer à des jeux.

Je n'aime pas que l'on me juge en tant que collectionneur, détestant les jeux de hasard.
Joined in Sep 2018

2 post(s)
October 1, 2020
I don't mind the grind personally but as a collector of many things it does suck
Joined in Jul 2012

3309 post(s)
October 1, 2020 (edited)
What do you call putting cards in people's faces that they can only buy and acquire by spending large sums of money on games without being sure of getting them?

I call that a normal, commonly used, age old business practice. This sort of thing has been used since at least Victorian times (in the form of newspaper based competitions) and quite likely pre-dates that.

That does not mean that I either like or approve of it, only that I acknowledge that it is nothing unusual.
Joined in Aug 2018

1013 post(s)
October 1, 2020
Why have there been several threads, and not just by me, that have been written about this topic on the forum
That is true @ComteDracula and honestly these kind of Topics are becoming more and more annoying, at least for me. Because i think we can, all of us, Focus on more important things in our Life. But at the end each to his own.
Do you sincerely believe that this is because the people concerned have no reason to point out
that the current SEC policy for several of these cards could cause dissatisfaction for a segment
of Totem's customers, without the possibility? other than the game to get them and it's
just a matter of ***** for the sake of *****?
What i believe or not believe that doesn't matter here, but i know one Important Fact for sure.
Dissatisfaction is coming from the wrong Expectations, it is simply True.
But unfortunately not everyone is totally aware of that Fact, it is what it is.
What do you call putting cards in people's faces that they can only buy
and acquire by spending large sums of money on games without being sure of getting them?
Honestly that is a Decision from Totem as a Company, and if i'm really Honest i'm very very Glad
that there are Users/People "Customers" which are willing to pay those huge Amounts of Credits
for these Cards, so why is that?

Ask yourself this question, because these Users keep the Product alive with their Contributions of Money
for Credits. Because our World is Build on Money, and everyone want's to get paid for his Work.
And we as a User of iStripper want the Content, and Honestly i'm not Dissatisfied with this kind of Content.

I have now over 2000 Shows in my Collection, and every Show Duration is round about 35 Minutes.
Good Lord ... how many Hours of Satisfaction ... but you can calculate for yourself
how many Hours of Satisfaction i can get from it.
And there are still more Shows waiting for me in the Store.

So and what about your amount of Shows in your Collection?
And what about your Satisfaction with your 4636 Shows?
We have to pretend that everyone thinks the same way.
I don't think that everyone thinks the same way, at least not myself.
I don't like being judged as a collector, ***** gambling.
Nobody is judging you except yourself, please think about it 😉
And believe it me or not, i'm not judging you for anything.

But honestly this here, this kind of Discussion makes all no sense to me because i think it's more important
to leave your Focus on yourself. And doing further things, which are doing well for you.

And yes the Girls here on iStripper are a HUGE balm for my Soul, regardless if there existing any
SEC Cards or not. But still at the end not everyone is aware of that Fact, it is what is.

So ask yourself this question if you really want peace in the Forum,
because i don't want to mess around any more with unimportant things in my Life.

So you have the Choice grab your SEC Card's or not, otherwise you will never get your peace with yourself,
or here in the Forum.
Joined in Jul 2017

204 post(s)
October 1, 2020 (edited)
It's nice to see an official response @Kaiju, even if it's unsatisfying to be honest.

I'll acknowledge the loyalty program does offer deep discounts, and your product itself strikes a good value for money proposition with the general release cards.

However, if listening to customers is what you want - then why not simplify things? Offer loyal members the ability to earn the SECs by using the product and investing in it.

I will admit you have listened to customers in other areas (returning transparency, enabling "auto buy", and others).

The fact is that those of us who are upset by the tactics object mainly to the random / gambling nature of the mechanics. Of course, I understand your reason for incorporating this - both in terms of player entertainment and business outcomes.

But please consider an alternative where loyal members (especially those like me who have BOTH triple diamond AND Premium memberships) can obtain the cards by purchasing if they wish. Make it part of the reward of investing in a full collection. Heck, you could even call them "Collector's Edition" cards - as that is typically who will be buying them!

My suggestion above could be restricted (for example) to members of a certain standing or who are part of the Premium program. Alternatively, why not offer the option to buy or gamble to win?

I have a suggestion about what you could consider to bring both the gambling and the loyalty together: buy all shows in a month, and get a JOKER card. That way, I can either gamble to win (if that's what I want) or just keep buying the cards and get the JOKER to redeem the SEC.

THere is no nastiness here in this discussion - only a plea to really consider whether the damage you're doing to your brand with your highest paying customers is worth the credits you reclaim.

Thanks again for replying. It would be good to have a further discussion on this issue from the team.
Joined in Jul 2012

3309 post(s)
October 1, 2020 (edited)
My suggestion above could be restricted (for example) to members of a certain standing or who are part of the Premium program.

Although I would qualify under this suggestion I would be very much against it. I don't like the idea of privileging some members even when I would be one of those being privileged. I also think it might well lead to yet more complaints of the same general sort that we have had before - basically those saying "why must I do XYZ in order to gain access to these cards".
Joined in Feb 2019

1657 post(s)
October 1, 2020
Et quand serait-il des membres qui comme moi tendent a accéder a ces "privilèges" Pourquoi devais-je encore jouer, il me suffirait d'attendre pour pouvoir acquérir les SEC.
Une solution n'est pas simple et Totem semble réfléchir à ce problème, attendons et nous verrons mais je le répète ; cela n'est pas évident.
And when would there be members like me who tend to access these “privileges” Why did I still have to play, I would just have to wait to be able to acquire the SEC.
A solution is not easy and Totem seems to be thinking about this problem, let's wait and we will see but I repeat it; this is not obvious.
Joined in Sep 2007

1996 post(s)
October 1, 2020
Bravo, Philours, pour ce mot de la fin :)
Thx for this final word @Philours

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