安装iStripper 取得直接在你的任务栏中 Camille Wallace 的专属色情表演。
免费下载 DIRECTOR (Ethan): "Camille is indeed a very seductive secretary, the one you will regret bitterfully and working from home surrounding with your wife and kids... But let’s face it... This kind of secretary only lives in our male’s fantasies... So good news, now you don’t have your boss around, you have plenty of time playing with her on the taskbar at home ! She has loooots of sex appeal, both in her look and poses. She is a very playful model."
Total 16 clips divided in Standing 6 and On TB 10. No touching/rubbing. Bare feet in part of the clips of each cliptype. Starting Nude (just heels and stockings) one Standing
and one TB clip. Starting Real Full Nude (wearing nothing) one Standing and one TB clip. Two long clips with total striptease: one Standing clip of 6:19 and one TB clip of 5:23.
Camille Wallace from Paris is the first model filmed during the lockdown. Her name is not very French. She looks good, in particular her face. Her body also, but I prefer firm
breasts. She has one small tattoo with the text: “Life goes on.” This was a great outfit with bra, larger panties (realistc for a secretary to be not in the most skimpy panties),
blouse, skirt, stockings (again realistic with no suspenderbelt!) and high heels (I read about bosses, who obliged their female employees to be on high heels). With this outfit
plenty variation in the different clips.
About the show: we see real striptease. Many combinations were made in the diferent clips: a total striptease in the long Standing and the long Taskbar clip. In the other clips
different combinations of outfit items, what gave a maximum of variation. Camille understands the art of striptease (half is the unclothing, half is the face) and the essence of
facial expressions. So Camille teases with the viewer. Sometimes she looks with her eyes for instruction. In the Standing clips good use of the whole stage!
The rating: Standing 5 (real striptease), Taskbar 5 (maximum variation with outfit), Beauty 5 (face and body) and Outfit 5 (realistic secretary outfit). Total 20/4 = 5 stars. Camille
does a real act of striptease. One minus point for me: I missed the Pole clips, but it would be unfair to deduct stars for this.
This was the first show filmed during the lockdown in the spring of 2020. As Song of the Show “Y’a pas de Printemps” (there’s no spring) by Edith Piaf: “Jamais de repos - Toujours
courir - Métro, bureau - Et repartir - Quand vient le dimanche il faut faire des affaires - Laver, repasser, repriser sa misère - Et c'est pareil - Jour après jour - Jamais de soleil - Et pas
d'amour - Y'a pas de printemps le long de ma vie - Je ne crois pas aux calendriers - J'ai beau faire des économies .. .je suis pas assez jolie - Mais dans ma vie y'a pas de printemps....”
A very attractive woman with a more mature look about her, in a classic outfit – white shirt, black skirt and stockings. She is going for the shy, diffident look and it works. A very nice body with soft, real breasts and she is not afraid to open her legs and show her pussy. One small tattoo on right hand side of rib cage – barely noticeable. Shoes and stockings come off so we get bare feet. One possibly for the fetishists is when in a table clip she wraps a stocking around her throat – possibly kinky vibes.
Camille is very good at the slow tease, the gradual reveal. Table clips 14 and 15 see her pantyless under the skirt but as she also has no top on, they don’t count as full pantyless.
Interesting variation in standing clip 12 when the shirt is tied at the front (no bra) and she does a proper panties-down upskirt. Again a nice slow reveal and lots of skirt lifting to show her naked pussy. That one clip was worth the admission price on it’s own. In table clip 6 it is blouse first, then panties.
And then she carried on with the routine into clip 13. The skirt then comes off leaving the shirt on and still tied – nice variation. Camille knows how to strip and tease.
She hides nothing but there is no explicit rubbing or spreading. None of her shows are XXX which is a shame because I would love to see her finger herself. I think she would have lovely slow-***** orgasms like Jill.
As a secretary, she'll take all my cum and my income.
She makes me want to have five babies... I mean five stars with her gorgeous ️body!
well done camped up feigned modesty. I've been
waiting forever for Totem to present a model
playing with stockings stretched between her toes
and teeth. Not exactly what I had in mind here but
at least it is a start. Nice debut by Camille.
Very sensual and entertaing witha real talent for drawing you in with her performance. definitely a new favorite for me.
Personality: 5
Performance - stage: 5
Performance - table: 5
Eroticism: 4
Outfit: 5
Shoes off: 5
Card score: 4.71
**Average score of all 567 cards I have rated: 4.12**
--Playlist adds: 3/3
NOTE: no pole clips
C'est un show comme on les aime, une jolie femme avec une tenue sexy et des positions qui nous donne envie.....
Vulve,fesses,seins dégustables..200/5!!!