安装iStripper 取得直接在你的任务栏中 Angelika Grays 的专属色情表演。
免费下载 DIRECTOR (Oliver Nanto): "« Once upon a time » from Tarantino inspired us this outfit. Angelika already looks gorgeous in that style but on the top of that you will find a ***** underwear too ! I dare you, I double dare you not to fall in love :) (Professional dance and pole skills)"
This show counts 13 clips divided in Standing 7, Pole 1 and On TB 5. Three TB clips are XXX,
together ± 15 minutes; two are with dildo. Touching/rubbing only in TB clips.
Bare feet in most clips. Starting Real Full Nude one Standing and one TB clip.
Angelika Grays is a very beautiful model, both face, hair and body. Her breasts, butt and legs are perfect for me.
Her outfit was the best one can get: sweater, skirt with buttons, heeled shoes and very elegant lingerie.
In the Standing clips Angelika shows to be a real dancer: varied steps and arm movements with enough tempo.
In the one Pole clip Angelika moves very sensuous. Although she didn’t do any special tricks, it was a great performance with plenty variation.
In the TB clips she has good contact with the viewer, teases, does a fine striptease (enough items to strip) and plays with lips and dildo.
The rating: Standing 5 (real dancer); Pole and On Taskbar 5 (sensous at the Pole and good playing with lips and dildo);
Beauty 5 (a real beauty) and Outfit 5 (sweater, skirt, lingerie). Total 20/4 = 5 stars. A fantastic debut of Angelika.
As Song of the Show for Angelika’s debut Smokey Robertson and the Miracles with “Going to a Go-Go”:
“Goin' to a go-go - Goin' to a go-go - Na na na na, yeah - Well, there's a brand new place I've found
Where people go from miles around - They come from everywhere - And if you drop in there - You might see anyone in town”
You will see Angelika Grays dancing there with everyone looking in admiration at her!!!
I love the retro look with her outfit, she wears it well and she seems so comfortable doing her thing for her audience.
Her eye contact is indulging as she looks like she is having fun.
My favorite card.
Angelika’s parents must be so very proud of her.
1 No Nudity, standing, 2:29 mins
2 Topless, standing, totalling ~5:30 mins
4 Nudity clips - 3 standing, one pole, about 12 mins total.
3 XXX table clips, totalling about 15 mins.
5:21- starts fully dressed - top then boots then skirt off, panties pull-aside, rubbing and finger-insertion. Despite acccessories tag, none that I could see.
4:57- starts bra panties - bra off, panties off, suction dildo (oral only), two finger insertion.
4:51- starts full nude - suction dildo gets lots of use but no cowgirl. Nice doggie, though. :o)
Apart from that 1st XXX clip, nothing even vaguely resembling a pantiless upskirt or panties-off-first.
Overall, a decent debut for Angelika, who is gorgeous, and I look forward to seeing her other shows.
But I have to drop a point for the complete failure to mix it up in any way or take advantage of the outfit.
Four Loads-Of-Potential Stars.
In this show 3 of the 13 clips were XXX with a dildo in each clip. However, in the first two she only sucked it & actually fucked herself with it in the final one. There were no happy endings that I could see.
Tits 7/10
Ass 5/10
Legs 8/10
Let's see more new cards soon!
and i like how she moves.
but the only problem is about her teeth...
Beautiful girl. Great outfit.
A wonderful treat.
Dildo Minua 4 Points
More! More!! More!!!
i love it !!!
eine absolut umwerfende frau
Youre divine ^^
aber schlechte show ...
kein anal ...
Hatte mehr erwartet.......