I'm glad to see others enjoy her as well. I was trying to determine, exactly what makes her so smoking hot compared to others I like. I have come to the conclusion, that she fits everything I absolutely love and look for in a beautiful woman. Here is my scientific breakdown. Now, starting with her head, gorgeous face (eyes, mouth, nose, complexion are perfect), long beautiful hair. Now, moving along, shoulders, upper torso & breasts are in perfect proportion, again perfection. Abdomen, is again, perfect. Now, here is my favorite, where the torso widens out to the beautiful hips, buttocks (ass), upper thighs. Absolute perfection! There are a thousand things that could go wrong in this area, but Melisa is perfect. Then, of course, there is the main attraction, which is well groomed to perfection, as well as physically perfect, good enough to, well... you know. Then you have the knees, calves, ankles & feet, which are in perfect proportion and beautiful. Final assessment, SMOKING HOT !!!