I wrote a paper about this:
https://wyldanimal.com/files/iStripper2-playlists-explained-by-wyldanimal.txtall PLaylists Created in version 2.0 will have the Generic file name Collection_NN.vpl
Auto-Imported Playlists will Remain Unchanged, and Not take on the collection_NN.vpl name.
You can play these playlists, with out them being altered.
Once an Imported Playlist has Been Edited in any way, it is then fully converted to the New format.
it will No longer work with Prior Versions.
to avoid this
Copy / Move all of your Legacy VPL files to a different folder. In My case I used a folder called Archived.
When you Export an iStripper 2.0 playlist, you can select a different folder to save the exported file, and also use a friendly name for the file name.
The Information in the file I shared is of my own discovery.
no one from the Team Members or the Devlopment team provide me with this information.