@patrickb851@tono012@Derek26@spedwards@MidKnightWolf@briskeyz@Member19804811@KugsFor@s114701234@BigCol@VRXwatcher@i27796853@v23380239@Drevin@Kevin98@adamtom@daruino YOUR 1 000 BABYDOLZ HAVE REACHED YOUR WALLET !
On Friday, we will release a new NFT for you to aquire in BabyDOLZ on the BabyDOLZ store!
Stay Tuned !
@i24622257@Painkiller1671@Cinnamonbuns@LyreAB@Romla@Terminatorthree@Bokandi@BenissimoThere is no wallet linked to your iStripper account yet.
To receive a full show for free (buying a trading card on the marketplace with your BabyDOLZ) :
1/ create a Metamask (tutorial here :
2/ link it to your iStripper acct (tutorial here :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kdhu-SIOzY )
3/ DM here saying you're all set