Agreed ! Far too much griping on this forum. It's an excellent product.Yeah!👍 👌
I will continue to buy new cards but probably at a slower pace. I have a number of older cards on my wishlist. They are there because I did not think they were worth full price. Now with the price increase they will most likely never be bought unless there is a super deal.
It is in the first post in this thread where it says
--> And if you don't have 3 000 shows in your collection yet, you will receive 100 credits for free once you reach this level !
Agreed ! Far too much griping on this forum. It's an excellent product.I respectfully disagree. Good product with the best of complaints....I like the one with the greed inflation comment the best!👍 👌 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
5793 card's.......... I get an Elite tag and a higher price.I think I'm done until all the ( glitches ) are fixed.
Last week shows cost me 11 credits each. Now they are 12 credits each. That's a whopping 1 credit more than before. 1 credit is 8,3 cents worth, when bought using the regular promotions. I hope I stopped buying iStripper cards all together by the time I got worried about that.
If that figure of the price rise being equivalent to 8.3 cents a card is correct, then I think the reality is that if you seriously cannot afford it - then maybe you should not be buying porn at all.
If you have so little disposable income, then your priorities need re-evaluating. In any economic or marketing model, products such as iStripper would be classified as luxury goods - to be purchased only after all the basic necessities to support life have been satisfied.
"then maybe you should not be buying porn at all."
(the 100 free credits are not retroactive, they will not be given if you already own more than 3 000 cards as of today)Why is it not retroactive? I was just punished for buying too much cards too fast I guess. :-D
"then maybe you should not be buying porn at all."
Bien sûr! Quel meilleur conseil pourrait-on donner👍 Mais ce genre de conseil moralisateur est loin de la réalité vécue par nombre de personnes. En effet l'addiction sous quelque forme qu'elle se présente engendre souvent des comportements peu compréhensibles par la majorité des gens. Pour avoir été confronté a ce genre de problème, je peux vous assurez qu'aucune forme de rationalité ne peut entrer en ligne de compte. Les comportements les plus horribles, incompréhensibles, atypiques, hors-normes sont alors mis en œuvre. Il n'est pas évident de guider les "souffrants" dans ce genre de dépendance. Un stupide exemple me viens en mémoire : un voisin se retrouvant dans une misère financière suite aux difficultés de la vie sans faire d'excès se retrouva rapidement confronté aux services sociaux pour l'aider a stabiliser sa situation. Un des conseils était de ne plus prendre une pause au bistrot après sa journée de travail afin d'économiser quelques Euros. Le pauvre accepta cette contrainte et se priva de la seule détente qu'il lui restait. Trois mois plus tard, je ne pouvais qu'aller porter des fleurs sur sa tombe. Désolé pour cette anecdote, mais ne portez pas de jugement trop hâtifs sur certains comportement. C'est du moins la leçon que j'ai retenue de cette triste situation😪
Of course! What better advice could we give👍 But this kind of moralizing advice is far from the reality experienced by many people. Indeed, addiction in whatever form it takes often leads to behaviors that are not easily understood by the majority of people. Having been confronted with this kind of problem, I can assure you that no form of rationality can be taken into account. The most *****, incomprehensible, atypical, non-standard behaviors are then implemented. It is not easy to guide the "*****" in this kind of addiction. A stupid example comes to mind: a neighbor finding himself in financial misery following the difficulties of life without going overboard quickly found himself confronted with social services to help him stabilize his situation. One of the pieces of advice was to stop taking a break at the bistro after a day's work in order to save a few Euros. The poor accepted this constraint and deprived himself of the only relaxation he had left. Three months later, all I could do was bring flowers to his grave. Sorry for this anecdote, but do not make too hasty judgments on certain behavior. At least that's the lesson I learned from this sad situation😪
i can afford to buy all the cards. I choose not to. There are cards I wish I had not bought. To reiterate: if I thought older cards not in my collection were not wortrh the previous price, why would i pay a higher price??
I'll still buy cards. I have over 3000.
A fraction of one percent bonus or $10 in potential lost sales .... it's all about your vantage point I guess.
A fraction of one percent bonus or $10 in potential lost sales .... it's all about your vantage point I guess.If you scale that bonus up by the number of members that already had 3000 cards then how many thousands of dollars would that come to? And how would Totem gain from giving away those thousands of dollars?
5793 card's.......... I get an Elite tag and a higher price.I think I'm done until all the ( glitches ) are fixed.The slightly higher price is not a glitch.card prices increased from 25 to 30your old level discount was 45%25 - 45% = 13.75 then if you bought in the 1st 10 days, you got an additional 20%13.75 - 20% = 11 credits as the final price.Now the New pricing and New Discount of 50%30 - 50% = 15, then take off the additional 20%15 - 20% = 12 credits as the final price.
Why are they advertising it if they are not willing to fullfill it?
the 3000+ cards owners are the least risky group taking in the account the possibility of not returning the investment.
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