...your progression bar gets filled till it reaches this Special Event Card! And once in your pocket, the progression bar will offer you Gift Cards again !Joker cards I think would have been better rather than Gift cards.
(I also tried to create a ticket to costumer support but that page crashes when i send a ticket.)You can also use this E-Mail:
To reward your participation, we released one of the most torrid Special Event Card we ever published: Medusa and her wet US bikini!
@Poserdisposer and @deafrage
Try Synchronize with Server (Tick Advanced Settings for that) or restart the iStripper Client.
@SatansFarmor what do you mean the transfer does not go thru ? did you get a denial ? where are you stuck exactly ?
As Mr. @ward666999 wrote: you need to spend 2000 credits to get your hands on newest SEC.Did you win any free cards?
I bought 50x Juicy Pinks two times (100 in total) to get Medusa immediately. At the same time, I was wondering how many credits I could get back.
Here are my results. Out of 100 scratch cards, I won:
• SEC: 0
• 200 cr: 1
• 50 cr: 14
• 20 cr: 44
• nada: 41
Looks like the Medusa's card cost me 220 credits. Looking at the credit prices, a pack of 250 credits costs €29.99 by default. Hmm...
I am a bit disappointed that there are no jokers after receiving the newest special event card. Not good.
I've reached my conclusions. You get yours.
BTW: Why are game of chance considered one of our "favorite" "promos"?
Because it's the only way to get shows of our favorite models in our favorite outfits.
after i sign to approve the transfer from my bank to totem I get this error message when istripper website comes back << TRANSACTION NOT APPROVED >>I have tried the client and the website.
@SatansFarmor what do you mean the transfer does not go thru ? did you get a denial ? where are you stuck exactly ?
after i sign to approve the transfer from my bank to totem I get this error message when istripper website comes back
I have tried the client and the website.
after i sign to approve the transfer from my bank to totem I get this error message when istripper website comes back << TRANSACTION NOT APPROVED >>I have tried the client and the website.
When I use Epoch, the last thing it asks for is my E-mail Address.
This must be the E-mail address you used for iStripper.
is that what you mean when you said
"after i sign to approve the transfer" ?
Did you win any free cards?No. Currently I have all cards except two SECs, so I can't win any free cards.
I don't like the fact that when I buy a scratch card for 10 credits, I win a card that is worth 8.8 credits. This is not a win - I'm losing 1.2 credits this way.
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