@Scuderia & neither has anyone else how has gotten the time in the place of PDT @4:20 so without further adue don't hold your breath, it'll be a long, long, long time & my bra only stretches so far. I hope.....
if you are able to prove that you gotit with a snap shot it may help your case when the time comes
How? i wanna try :PGood Luck
Other then looking at what are the Achievements for Do you ever get free stuff?
There is a achievement for buying at 4:20? How? i wanna try :P@Scuderia & neither has anyone else how has gotten the time in the place of PDT @4:20 so without further adue don't hold your breath, it'll be a long, long, long time & my bra only stretches so far. I hope.....if you are able to prove that you gotit with a snap shot it may help your case when the time comes
I have one suggestion for future achievements, an expansion of the critic award. You could do several more like "serious critic" - write a review for 10 cards you own, "honorary Critic" - write a review for 30 cards you own. Maybe even "Psychic Critic" - write a review for a card you do NOT own. I think you get some fun out these kinds of achievements.
@Plopsaland - You'd better read on in this thread and note that Totem has been messing with us for 12 days. Somebody must've been smoking something at 4:20 in there ...https://www.istripper.com/de/forum/thread/44621/2?post=661107关于iStripper的一切 / Achievements: It ain't gunna happen.Well, it's not MEST Paris Summer Time, it's not BST London/Greenwich Summer Time either and it's not UTC/GMT. No Achievement. No idea on which planet the 04:20pm is measured. I hit the :00 exact every...
can we use achieviments? or thats just for fun?
can we use achieviments? or thats just for fun?
They're just fun, they provide no tangible benefits.
can we use achieviments? or thats just for fun?They're just fun, they provide no tangible benefits.The fun is the same as the use....we can use the achievements to ***** about not getting them.we can have fun watching others spin like tops about not getting achievements.
I guess I'll hafta settle for demigod status. I can't even manage to get the "First One" feather in my cap. I just tried again with all three (was synching continuously) and failed. I will probably never get it as long as I have this crappy DSL connection to the internet. Oh well...
that's just it their wier the Titans, gods, demi_gods, immortals, & us puny lil humans. thats just it no one is happy just being them selves
I think I'll just wait a while till all the excitement dies down and try then. After all - I've got to wait nearly 15 years to get one of them!😕
@Dfner I like this! Very cool looking tags...
0.36% won the jackpot? So 1 in 300 VG users are winners? LMFAO, ask me how I doubt it.. go ahead, ask.
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