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Six shows per week

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已加入 在 Dec 2007

33 发布
March 30, 2020
Six Shows a Week for approx. 6 Weeks is O.K. - in this first worldwide New Virus Pandemic. - But Let us pray and hope for almost everyone and especially also of course in Europe and North America, that the High Peak of the Pandemic in Europe and USA/Canada will be reached within the next 2-3 weeks. Maybe 1 week earlier in Europe than in the USA ( because it started also a bit earlier in Europe). Let's hope the very Best and that it will be the first and last Pandemic of such a kind for many years or a few decades - best however - would be for the whole 21st Century but that maybe some Wishful Thinking - due to a few reasons. Sure is - that we need to stand together in such troubled and ***** Times ! - Despite of this I want to Note - that I do have the unspecific feeling that this new Corona Virus is in Truth not totally natural... To Totem - I-Stipper I want to say - it's probable the very Best Erotic Online - Show Programm in the World - let's keep it that way - in total I-Stripper is an Erotic Gem basically for all Peoples who love - most of all - Female Erotics - and this are of course Males and Women too. Therefore I wish Totem-I-Stripper and the Crew all the very Best - now and then ! - To all kind Female Erotics Fans in I-Stripper please stay safe and healthy - Good Luck to all ! 👍👍🔥💓🔥❤️👍
已加入 在 Oct 2009

36 发布
March 30, 2020
Understand the situation so have nothing to say about the decesion.

I have myself had cancellation from models that I was going to shoot with becuase they can no longer travel to Sweden.
已加入 在 May 2008

40 发布
March 30, 2020
Thanks for letting us know. I hope your entire team is safe and can ride this out peacefully.
已加入 在 Apr 2008

729 发布
March 30, 2020
what I don't like about some of the older shows is how loud some of them are compare to some other ones
there's no volume you can set at which you would be able to hear the "sexy talk"
and not completely freak out the neighbours with the crazy over the top moaning
so, the kind of remaster I personally would love to see is to the audio primarily

So much this. I watch shows without sound for this exact reason. It's freaking me out how suddenly models in older cards would start screaming at the top of their lungs.
已加入 在 Jan 2008

384 发布
March 30, 2020 (edited)
Ca, c'est une super bonne nouvelle 😀
Et si le nombre de filles pouvait tomber définitivement à 5 par semaine, ce serait encore mieux (du lundi au vendredi) 😊
Dans ce dernier cas, je pense que je peux rêver...

已加入 在 Oct 2007

253 发布
March 30, 2020
I'm cool with six per week. I'm just glad that you got Carolina Abril again before this whole thing happened.
已加入 在 Dec 2017

93 发布
March 30, 2020
Haver si ya pasa pronto y no se contamina mas gente y todo vuelve a la normalidad 👍
已加入 在 Sep 2018

29 发布
March 30, 2020
@Dorsai6 At present there is not financial motivation for Totem to remaster old cards. I'm happy when they do, but I think a financial reward might result in more of this activity and I'd be very happy to pay something to convert 720p cards that look terrible on my screen to 1080p cards that I find acceptable. If Totem followed my suggestion, you could choose not to pay and you'd be no worse off than you are now. I'd pay and consider it a bargain.
This is an excellent suggestion. VR, the a new product has been the preference of Totem bso farn, but the resolution upgrade may be done without meeting models, so even now.
Why don't you make a poll @Dorsai ?
已加入 在 Jun 2008

33 发布
March 30, 2020
company can then sell them for an higher price to new members.

That's exactly what they did with the previous remasters. The 720 cards were at one price point (what is it, 16 minus the diamond discount), and once they were upgraded they were more expensive (20 minus the discount, I think). Same thing with 1080 to 3k if memory serves.

They stopped doing upgrades, so you're probably right that it didn't make financial sense to keep doing it. We kept those cards at no cost if we already owned them. Must be those new customers weren't buying.
已加入 在 Mar 2016

1005 发布
March 30, 2020 (edited)
Et si le nombre de filles pouvait tomber définitivement à 5 par semaine, ce serait encore mieux
NO, thanks. It's ok to get only 6 cards per week during the emergency, but after it then please give us back 7 ones again.
已加入 在 May 2016

390 发布
March 30, 2020
I find it amazing that members here are whinging about only 6 shows a week and then demanding an immediate return to 7 shows as soon as things cool down from the Pandemic.

You guys think Totem engineered this whole thing just to screw you out of a few discounted shows??? For Christ's sake quit being so selfish and understand that no one wants less shows but most of us will be happy just to see Totem survive this and get back in the swing of things later this year.

This thing is likely to take several more weeks to calm in Europe and then it's probably going to be AT LEAST several weeks more before any kind of meaningful regular/affordable international air travel is available to bring models to Paris for Totem to shoot.

Air travel is likely going to be affected for months. Just because things are calming in Europe, the pandemic will still be happening in other parts of the world and the primary reason this thing spread so fast is international air travel. So airplanes are likely to still be heavily restricted, scarce and expensive for quite a while to come.

I'd be happy with 5 shows (or even less depending how many are actually available) a week starting today and spread them out longer which will also help Totem keep at least something fresh on the shelf while they bring the girls in, shoot them, process the clips, send them out to QA, fix the things QA finds and then put them in the lineup for release. This process usually takes a couple weeks to do RIGHT and if they rush it then the cards aren't of the best quality and you guys whinge about that. There's no up side for Totem anywhere in this scenario.
已加入 在 Mar 2016

1005 发布
March 30, 2020 (edited)
I already knew all of that, and by the way also I was not whining at all. I agree with the company's obvious choice of temporary reduction of weekly cards.
My own controversy was not about Totem, but about a post by another member who said that, for him, it would be better to definitively and forever reduce the production to only 5 shows per week, because he likes that more - opinion which I simply said I disagree to, as I have the right to do.
已加入 在 Jul 2009

1 发布
March 30, 2020 (edited)
Cutting back by one show a week? Only?
I'd guestimate partial resolution of the outbreak as early as June. Not sure what your content stockpiles are like, but I'd expect a steeper cut into the number of shows/week, or a crew isolating in the studio to keep things moving while waiting for resolution.

Meh, you know your situation, I can only speculate and offer armchair commentary based on poor assumptions and missing information.

I'll just add my 2 cents for the times:
Be the pessimist - be ready for the worst.
This lets any surprises you have be pleasant ones.
Study up on the Spanish Flu. There are tons of parallels, which can help you understand what is to come, and what 'the worst' may be. Sports games cancelled? Check. Lots of advice on how to interact without spreading the disease? Check. Schools closed? Check. ... the list goes on, and includes things from later in the epedimic than we are now. Want to see the future? Look at history.
"Learn from history, for you shal repeat it."
Be safe.
已加入 在 May 2016

390 发布
March 30, 2020

While it may seem like your were, simply because my post came directly after yours, you weren't my specific target as there were others earlier who made more specific complaints about premium members missing out on shows...and losing their ability to buy discounted shows and implying that they were getting ripped off.

I do however apologize to you for my post looking like you were my specific target. That wasn't the case.
已加入 在 Mar 2016

1005 发布
March 30, 2020
@pumpdude48 It's ok, thank you for clarification.
已加入 在 May 2016

390 发布
March 30, 2020
We're all a little stressed and it's only getting worse and I just found it incredibly petty and self centered to see someone(s) whinging about losing out on the ability to save a few pennies or not see the same amount of product when there is a serious world wide situation the likes of which virtually no one living can compare to any other recent happening.

A person would have to be well over 100 years old to remember the flu of 1918 and while we have had serious outbreaks of other maladies more recently, none of them really went worldwide like this one has. And it ain't over yet by a long shot.

Let's all just be happy to still be looking down at the grass instead of up at the roots and even happier if we all are still looking down a couple months from now. And not worry about missing a few discounted iStripper cards between now and then.

Long live iStripper!!! 😉
已加入 在 Feb 2008

60 发布
March 30, 2020
Thank you totem team. I am just happy that there will be new shows at all in the coming weeks, something to look forward to that will brighten my days.
已加入 在 Aug 2015

82 发布
March 30, 2020
I wholeheartedly support the plan to release fewer new cards per week for the sake of both the Totem staff and the girls that would risk being ***** while travelling. In fact, my preference would be for Totem to release only 5 new cards per week along with 2 remastered cards.

Most casual iStripper users (i.e. non-collectors) probably don't even have these older, lower-res cards on their radar even though the cards feature a lot of great performers. Remastering cards would incrementally increase their base cost and would provide the opportunity for Totem to put them in their Releases carousel with a tag of "Remastered" instead of "New". This would increase their visibility and boost sales when new material is scarce.

For those who haven't seen what remastering can do, compare the following cards.
  • Aika May: 1670 (1080p) vs 1669 (3K)
  • Naomi Nevena: 1632 (1080p) vs 1633 (3K)
  • Dayzee: 1599 (1080p) vs 1601 (3K)
  • Jessie Jazz: 1545 (1080p) vs 1546 (3K)
  • Mandy Match: 1354 (720p) vs 1358 (1080p)
  • Natalie Mendes: 921 (720p) vs 924 (1080p)

I would definitely buy cards featuring Carmen Croft, Rebeka, Jasmine and Miela if they were upgraded from 720p to 1080p and more of Aika, Naomi, Dayzee, Jessie Jazz, Cherries, Angelica Diamond and Tracy Gold if they were upgraded from 1080p to 3K.
已加入 在 May 2016

390 发布
March 31, 2020
I too would support getting remastered cards in lieu of new cards.

This can be done by the team without flying anyone anywhere.

It keeps the team employed and mixing a couple remastered cards per week in with the lowered amount of new cards will help stretch the new cards out if this thing drags out longer than currently expected.

It also lessens the pressure off of production and QA when shooting new girls eventually does start up again.

A superb Idea from my point of view.
已加入 在 Feb 2020

2 发布
March 31, 2020
I love everything about this site so whatever sustains new content through these extraordinary times is fine with me.
已加入 在 Jul 2008

101 发布
March 31, 2020
5 to 6 shows a week is absolutely understandable, given the current situation. But I'm also very supportive of the remastering of older cards and would even agree to pay a little extra if the extra work warrants it. I'm watching the 1046 card of Jessie Jazz in 3K right now and it's exquisite compared to her 1045 card in 1080p resolution.

Are there many more like these in 3K?
已加入 在 Apr 2011

2399 发布
March 31, 2020
This is fine with me. Let`s all stay safe, and enjoy the shows.
已加入 在 Jul 2015

422 发布
March 31, 2020
I agree, slowing the release is a good solution. I am also happy that this conversation has slowed down.

cheers to all.
已加入 在 Nov 2010

114 发布
March 31, 2020
I just checked and there are still 91 cards to be released. At the rate of 6 per week, it will last until mid july. That's three and a half months. Hopefully the situation will be better by then and some of the restrictions will be lifted.
已加入 在 Oct 2014

33 发布
March 31, 2020
hmmm, perhaps it may be a good time to relaease some of the SECs to help offset?

I'll second that! Never can seem to get the jokers or SEC cards any other way😭
已加入 在 Jul 2015

422 发布
March 31, 2020
We should never be able to buy SEC.
If we could buy them, what would be ***** about????

已加入 在 Apr 2008

9 发布
March 31, 2020
Maybe it is time to rework some older shows to better quality, where is possible. Use this time for something productive.

I would be down for this 100%
已加入 在 Aug 2016

3 发布
March 31, 2020
Eat more green! Less process sugar, salt and process food! Stay hydrated! Ensure proper breathing! Mediate more!
stay calm! Zinc boost! Let all stay unit and fight this difficult time together! Fighting!!!! Roar!!!
已加入 在 Jul 2018

248 发布
March 31, 2020
No peek no buy.. translation more peek previews please.
已加入 在 Dec 2008

2 发布
March 31, 2020
nice to hear, but i would rather see you take responsibility and quit as long as the covid-19 races around the world. since the chance of contamination is considerable. and you probably have quite a large team during the recording.
as a photographer, clothing, make-up, camera, etc.

I am sure no one will be offended in choosing safety


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