Just noticed that updating my collection didn't bring back approx. 1,700 xml-files into the card subfolders in the data folder (mostly now missing from a-series cards). In the card folders there are mostly just the card-image, no xml, no _full.png or any other PNG-files that you normally find there (_nude.png / _unlock.png at least).
I noticed that I can get the PNG-files to download by just visiting the card details page in GUI, but even that would mean clicking through cards in my collection one by one. And even that doesn't help with missing XML-files, though.
I will send a message to support to find out, if there is any easy way for me to retrieve those missing files.
I'm kinda mean to my computer and sometimes I click the OK button under the "are you sure...." warning without reading the whole thing which at times isn't the smartest thing to do... 😖 Doh!! 😲
I've been known to do that all too often, too :)