This is the most i have posted in 5 years, (that should tell you something huh Totem)? A few members, myself included have invested a considerable amount of money with this company, We enjoy the product and the community for the most part. Something like this, if the trend continues, could make keeping members, and attracting new members near impossible. Is it because you don't really have competition? That's a pretty self centered way to look at things, and usually ends in failure. But don't take my word for it. Do the research yourself. I am not easily fooled, as I am a skeptik at heart, but deminishing my faith and trust is somethimg I can not support. If things are this bad, let me just say, Bad Idea on your part. Just remember for every complaint and unhappy customer you see, there are maybe ten that you don't see. Not very promising in my view.
Not sure how to take this now. Do I actively search for another type of fix this provides or look for something totally different? The mere fact that I am considering it sould tell you something Totem. There is writing on the wall here and I hope you all are paying attention.
Sabahnur out!