My Courtship with Totem started back in the late 80's I believe.
I was on AOL at the time and I got a "You Got Mail" notification.
In it was a tiny Santa Stripper
I sent that to my wife, and she sent to every girlfriend she had...
I soon discovered there was a Female version
and that there were also many other strippers I could add.
The Start of VG the Original.
These were tiny, not even an Inch tall in the lower corner of Windows. by the Clock.
If you used the Magnifier, you could see them 2x the Size... Woo hoo...
I bought them all...
I even ordered the post cards and wallpapers, and there were CD's you could get.
Downloading over Dial up was Slow... But the files were small. Still took 10 to 15 minutes per download.
Later was VG2 and then Strip Saver, and Strip Saver 2
Who remembers Bunny Love?
LISA, I Love You ! "You Got Mail"
I loved Lisa.. Looked forward to every e-mail from her.
I don't know who Lisa was / is, but she always brought a big smile to my face.
Back then, the files were easy to create a stand alone player for them...
I could pick out any one, and watch that one...
Someone also built a compiler.
You could take frames from a movie, make an Animated transparent GIF, and then Package it up to work with VG, VG2, and StripSaver.
Your Own dancers, strippers on your Desktop.
In the Middle of StripSaver 2, I had a HDD crash, and I lost all of it...
I did recover some, but the Servers to re-download VG were gone, and I only recovered a small portion...
I left for a while...
Came back in 2008, discovered the Forum and the Community, and the Affiliate program...
StripSaver 2 had Grown into VGHD.
I was enjoying all the HD girls, Lisa was back.
But there was no way to pick out what you wanted to watch..
there had to be a way....
I discovered the registry value that got updated every time a card played...
So I wrote a bit of code to display them when they changed...
And Watched the animation as it played...
There has to be some code, the Numbers must have meaning...
Clip after clip, I made notes what I saw, and what the numbers were...
I broke the code...
Now to Figure out how to use the codes....
I got it... make an inventory ( I used the DOS Directory command. Sent the Output to a Text File, then Filtered the Text file to
extract the folder and Clip filenames.)
Now I had a list of every VGHD file and where is was...
Pick one, and Store it in the registry...
Bingo.. My First Clip player...
What if I wrote an associative program, assigned that to the .vghd and .demo extension.
So that if you Double click on a file name that ends in .vghd or .demo, my program is called up to handle that file type.
Grab the Location and name of the file.
push it to the registry.
I could also grab the card image from the data folder and display that.
I could also make a list of my favorite clips, and then play them in Sequence or in Random order.
I had my own clip player, and Favorite list player..
VGHD was Great ! my Own Private Strip club and I was the Director...
reading the forums, I saw a few members who wanted a similar way to control the cards...
But that was not the intended design of VGHD. Randomness was by design....
Hey, I could make a fortune from my software I created...
I polished up the front end, added a few features
and Contacted the team through the Affilate E-mail.
I heard back from Herve
I couldn't Sell it... but I could let members use it for Free...
So I got the Green Light to release it to the Members...
ok, they can use it for free, I'll just ask for Donations....
People will be honest, and if they like it, they will donate...
Wow Look at those Download Stats... In the 1st month I had 2 million downloads...
A year later, I had all of about 10 donations... 11 million downloads and about $150 in donations.
In that Year my affiliate site started to take off...
It was doing well. Getting lots of traffic... I was number 3, or 5 on the search engines, Not the top, but on the 1st page of Google
Then some Russian Hacker found a way to infect computers with a cookie hijacker, the code would find and replace affiliate codes in the cookies with his own codes.
if your computer was *****, then when you visited an affiliate site, the code replaced your site identifier with his.
it affected many porn sites. This Hacker was getting credit for all of my traffic.
all the traffic visiting your Site, now became his traffic...
My revenues almost dropped to zero...
But it never was about the money... it was about the Beautiful Women, the Team, and the members here....
and it still is about the Beautiful Girls, the Team and the members...
All part of an Extended family...
I'm still here, because of, all of you.
I enjoy my collection mostly through Scenes - One to three dancers at a time...
Sometimes I'll have clips playing in small ( 10% to 20% ) size.... One Girl
down in the corner... Just like the 1st Original VG program.