My strip-clubbing days (and nights) are over, and I can't afford them anymore, anyway.
Aint' that the truth! When I did go to clubs in the 1990s table dances were a mere $5 and VIP was just $15. The one time I went in the last few years it was $15 for table and VIP was $40. In these days of stagnant anf falling wages, who can afford that? Not to mention the outlandish drink prices.
Also, in both North Carolina and South Carolina where I have lived, full frontal nudity is not allowed in a club where liquor is served. It can only be done where there is "Bring your own beer and wine" which attracts a lot of what I will just call lower life.
Bare legs/feet, a favorite of mine, are seldom done in clubs. I remember one dancer in a NC club who always wore fish net stockings and heels. I asked her if she would take off the stockings if we went VIP and she declined. I even offered to double the price and she still declined. No more of that.
Finally, it's obvous that you can't jerk off in a club. Where' I've been, you are not even allowed to go into a rest room stall and do so.
Beautiful women of my choice, having them always, and total freedom to do what I like when watching... that is why I have iStripper.