@echo off
echo Do you really want to delete all demo files from this folder and all subfolders?
del *.demo /S/F/Q
echo All demo files have been deleted.
In the GUI My Collection - 4 easy Steps...
1) Set Filters to show all of your Cards.
2) CTRl + A to select them all
3) RIGHT click on the trash can to see the options.
4) Select delete previews.
You are using MS Windows, so the easiest and fastest way is to use batch file. Just open Notepad, paste this:@echo off
echo Do you really want to delete all demons files from this folder and all subfolders?
del *.demons /S/F/Q
echo All demons files have been deleted.
and save your new file with bat extension:
File > Save as > in File type field select All files (*.*) and give new name for your file, for example delete_all_demons.bat
Place your new file in models folder and execute by double-clicking on it.
Demons files should be deleted permanently, without using trash can.
@echo off
echo Do you really want to delete all demons from this folder and all subfolders?
for /f "tokens=*" %%F in ('dir /S/B *.demo ^| findstr /V it') do (
del %%F
echo All demons have been deleted.
Which brings me to the question of why isn't there a feature in the program to delete them when you are finished...would be much easier than having to dig through your directory or make/paste some code...wasn't there a way to do that in previous versions???
The demos contribute relatively little to to the iStripper disk space requirements, for example
Size of all files in my main models directory = 1.79 TB
Size of all demo files in that directory = 53.74 GB
So demo files occupy about 3% of the the space needed for the clips, and this includes the transition (i.e the hanging and looking bored) clips as demos so the real demos account for an even smaller proportion of the space,
Because the hard drive is to small, or to filled with other stuff harder to delete.
@echo off
echo Do you really want to delete all demos from this folder and all subfolders?
for /f "tokens=*" %%F in ('dir /S/B *.demo ^| findstr /V it') do (
del %%F
echo All demos have been deleted.
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