Your months long hissy fit has been old for a long time now91hebasu, I was "Serious" when I told at first time that I was dissatisfied about what the company did with the XXX Card Format. That is not just gone in few months, I use this software Non-Stop... Every single time I use this software is a reminder aswell how good the software was "before" and how "Boring" it is now with these new recently released type of xxx cards. I think the new xxx cards and regular istripper cards together are far more boring and repititieve as compared how customers think the "Deskbabes" was boring and repititieve. I only see Strip & Dance performance these days, in all cards. I honestly think to stop buying iStripper Regular Cards because exact same performance does also exist in the new xxx cards.
Terbone, why would totem ever change their habits if you just buy the cards anyway?....@Orclover, Yeah, you are right... I have been stupid by just buying these cards. But I have a "weakness" against models from Ukraine and Russia, these models made me buy these cards anyway. I dislike the New XXX Card self but lucky I'm still able to enjoy their collection Movies and Photo's.
so skipping on purchasing is the only thing that will help totem make a product that ultimately is most successful
"Terbone, Please stop! it is all clear now, we do understand how you think about the format. so, dont use forum all over again for same subject.. wait for the improvements being released. Terbone, it doesn't make sense to talk over again about the same subject. We are still middle in previous production methode....
The reader position have always two options, Reply OR Ignore.
but as a result of your continualy going on and on and on about it saying the same thing every day I now have much less sympathy for youThis is not even true, you are just lieing here! I'm not even posting everyday!
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