September 16, 2016 , 翻译为ZH (显示翻译) , 从EN翻译 (展示原始文件)
Am using 1.2.126. Can't do anything I used to. Firstly, Support, then Contact Us does nothing ... no contact information appears. The highlighted advisory that Chat exists on the bottom right of the screen is not true.. The models that do show on the Our Models, does not show which are Virtuagirls and which are Deskbabes. Can't see which are new models and which are new to me (by having a price on them). Can't evaluate what appear to be Previews that pop up on my screen since am not able to critique a new model from a no nudity preview. Can't access the bonus videos to evaluate a new model. Can't figure out the displayed sequence of Our Models ... it's not in date or name sequence ... don't understand other part of the new interface without any explanation of what's what.
In short, this is a big change and if there is a full explanation of the changes, I can't find it. As a result, I'm unable to download any more models that I can't find and can't evaluate until I can get a full explanation of the new interface.
Really poorly done ...