September 11, 2016 , 翻译为ZH (显示翻译) , 从EN翻译 (展示原始文件)
I would like to run some review threads on the website because it seems there are the same group of posters who buy most cards, and are articulate and honest. The review system is very broken, maybe even intentionally, and it would be nice to have some say over what we think of the cards. I honestly believe that most of the reviews on program are fake or bots. There does need to be some accountibility to totem for the quality of their product. And pointing out really great attributes of cards vs. not so great is important in improving a product. Plus we have a major absense of decent tags and no info on cards which is frustrating to buyers. I find myself not buying cards because there is such little info...a great and objective review area would no doubt increase my buying. I went from a 1% chance to buying the alexa card, to 50% now, after one review.