August 25, 2016 (edited) , 翻译为ZH (显示翻译) , 从EN翻译 (展示原始文件)
Nothing wrong with the list of cards. As a list of cards for a new user showing no specific taste or preference, it's as good as any. However, none of these cards (with possible exception of Anna Tatu) would make it anywhere near the ten cards I most want to see.
I believe in many cases, new users would want to see cards that reflect their immediate fetiches and fantasies of the day. I wouldn't be able to suggest ten cards to a new user without knowing their preferences. And even then, I would not recommend at all if the new user had differing tastes than mine. I am in no position to say which are the best 'feet' cards for example. So I would only recommend where I felt the new users tastes matched my own.
If there is one thing I learned with VGHD over the years, is that individual tastes vary considerably and often don't match up to my own. Even if everyone likes the same thing, the priorities can vary significantly. (This is an issue Totem has to valiantly struggle with every day).
I don't have a problem with the thread by the way. I'm just explaining why I wouldn't give a list to new users, unless they asked for specific types of card.
Posting pictures of the cards was useful. However, it reduced the value of the thread as a discussion forum. If everyone posts images of each card, it will become unusable in my opinion.
On another point, it would be nice if Amazon allowed us to make lists of preferred cards in our profile. But alas, they don't.