Hey there. I would have said something sooner but I only saw this thread just now. I hope you don't mind. Here is my imput. My favorite clips are the full striptease ones: where the girls starts fully clothed and is fully nude by the end of the clip. As for the timing, I think the best timing is the following: let's say you have a 4-minute pole dance clip. The girl starts fully clothed and has 3 items to strip: her dress, her bra and her panties. For me the best timing would be dress at 3 minutes left, bra at 2 minutes left, panties at 1 minute left. As for the clips without nudity... it's not that I don't like them, but I just like the full nudity clips more. And what I do is, I use Starryk's VG playlist manager, when I buy a new card, I watch all clips from it and I add the best ones to my "best clips" playlist, which consists of the clips I like most from all my cards. And I have to tell you, 95% from those clips are level 3 and above... meaning that I usually watch the topless and lightly sexy clips only once and never again. I was very happy when the cards started to feature more level 3 4 and 5 clips. Having said that, I acknowledge that a number of people (not too many if I'm correct, but still) like their cards to have a few clips with no nudity, and others like clips that are nude from the start. I think you can keep most people happy if you include about 1 non-nude standing,pole and taskbar clip and 1 nude-at-start taskbar and pole clip... I don't think many people would be interested in nude-at-start standing clips.
For the second part of my feedback, I want to say what I'd like to see more and what I'd like to see less. The thing that gives me the most unpleasant feeling about buying cards is the chance that there might be too much bare feet in the card. Let's assume of course that the girl is wearing heels on the photos of the card. The absolute worst case scenario for me is that she doesn't wear them on any of the full nudity clips, or she takes them off before she gets nude. It doesn't happen often but when it did, it made me very disappointed and careful about buying cards. Another very bad scenario is when the girl is bare-foot on all the taskbar clips. This one happens more often. It doesn't completely ruin the card for me but it does leave me with a bad feeling. Of course I'm not saying that the girls should wear their heels in all the clips, but I think they should ware them at least in some, and I don't mean just the fully-clothed clips.
As for the thing I want to see more, it's when girls show their body without taking off their clothes. It's best if I use examples here. Zara's card "Stunning in satin" is a perfect example of what I find really sexy. In this card Zara is wearing a beautiful dress and many times she reveals her breasts without taking the dress off. She just takes her straps down, sometimes even revealing one breast first, then the other one. She also lifts up her dress often. In some clips she has panties under it, in others she doesn't or she removes the panties while keeping the dress on and showing what's under it. This is what I'd like to see more often :) I would have loved to see it in Armina's card where she was wearing the most famous piece of clothing in the pop culture - Princess Leia's slave bikini. From reading the comments I understood that unfortunately she didn't make good use of that great outfit and never showed her goods before she stripped it all off. A classic case of missed opportunity and heart-breaking because seeing a stripper in Leia's slave biniki is a dream that doesn't come true often.
That's it, thank you if you took the time to read :)