January 27, 2015 (edited) , 翻译为ZH (显示翻译) , 从EN翻译 (展示原始文件)
I may be able to shed some light on this problem, having been a PayPal user for some time. Using PayPal in the checkout for various sites has limitations specific to the site and specific to the user's account.
In my case, I can't use PayPal with VirtuaGirl because I don't have a credit card linked to my PayPal account.
In the attached screen-dumps I see the PayPal tab in VirtuaGirl's payment section, but the Epoch payment partner requests a credit card anyway, in spite of the fact that I chose PayPal at the outset.
(I blanked out my IP address freehand at the bottom of the screen-dump to comply with VG's TOS/EULA.)
Epoch's customer service couldn't identify my problem, suggesting only that I contact PayPal for a possible resolution.
PayPal explained it in terms of the differing agreements it's vendors have with PayPal. (i.e. - my Achilles' heel was due to Epoch's specific payment requirements of PayPal, and the fact that my account with PayPal would have delayed payment beyond their terms. More clearly stated: Epoch wanted immediate payment, and wouldn't wait the 8-10 days for my transaction to clear the bank. I tried again after loading up my account balance with PayPal to no avail.)
My situation turned out to be a catch-22 of sorts. I doubt this was Totem's intention when they set up an agreement with Epoch as a payment partner, but from my perspective, the PayPal tab and the Credit Card tab are one and the same.
For individual users, it may be to your advantage to check with PayPal's customer service to identify your specific problem.
My solution was to obtain a prepaid credit card, which I use exclusively for online transactions. Sad for Epoch, which forfeits in the end. The Credit card tab here on VirtuaGirl directs me to a different payment partner.
Hope this "non-help" helps in some small way. :(