So what? It doesn't matter if they're your friend or not. It changes nothing, and you are no less vulnerable.
Years ago, I entered into a chat (txt-cell phone) with an anonymous (women?). The ruse went on for a couple of weeks, and I revealed personal information that I regret now.
The only important issue here - don't reveal private personal details about yourself. Just because you hit the friend button, doesn't mean you should let down your guard.
Just because you DON'T hit the friend button doesn't make you any safer here.
I don't know how to state this more clearly.
It just doesn't matter! sI mean no disrespect and I say this cheerfully and with a song in my heart.......
sina said in fluent Arabic:
sina - 22 days ago ختببتانبمطتبلات
Google Translate (English):
You folks are making less sense than sina.