I Discovered an Old Hard Drive from long ago..
While Examining the content, I found a folder called VG on it..
4 copies of the first Vgirl.exe and 1 copy of Vguy.exe..
and a sub folder with a whole bunch of model folders, and their exe animations..
I thought.. humm.. would it still work??
So I copied one of the VGirl.exe files to my windows 8.1 machine..
Double clicked it, and it installed the red V
What a Hoot..
the Mask is out of sync, and She still talks... "Touch me", "Ellooo" , "Ahhhh"
Tried one of the .exe animation files..
"You can't run that program..."
I'll have to look into Dos Box... to see if I can install one of the old files.
Too bad I can't access the old site and download my Old Collection..
This is Awesome..
and to think, it all started with this...
So tiny are the Animations..
Who still has the First VG?
26 投票
I do and I still play them.
I did, and it would be nice to have them back.
No I don't , but I would like to have them.
Nope, never saw them before.