The few ethnic model cards are priceless to me. Cherish them while you can because sooner or later Totem will give us some new girls and you might forget about those you have now or not play them as much. My collection is large, random and When I see a girl I haven't seen in a while, I get all excited. I was afriad all the USA girls were going to be breast and lip enhanced and shaved, boy, was I wrong! Nice to have all types of models: shaved, trimmed, hairy, blondes, redheads, brunettes, short and long hair,etc.,, I think we have variety, and Totem, like any businenss is trying their best to please us and continue to stay in business. Totem opened the USA office, and like the saying goes "build it and they shall come." We got all these beautiful natural models we thought we would never have. Just a matter of time, patience is a virtue. We'll have Lorena and other ethnic girls if they so please to join Totem for some shows. Thanks Totem