October 21, 2013 (edited) , 翻译为ZH (显示翻译) , 从EN翻译 (展示原始文件)
This thing about the video quality is tricky. And, as a matter of fact, is kinda cyclical.
The first pic, Olga Barz, might be one of the best looking sets ever. It was the product of lot of changes in equiptment, since we had a very blurry and bad quality for months before that. New equiptment needs to be tuned up. Still, that quality didn't last for long.
The second pic comes from a recent show, obviously is inferior in quality. Yet again, new technology and stuff.
The third is very recent. The quality, evidently, is getting better and closer to the first pic. We'll see if in some sets ahead all the stuff gets fixed to look as good or even better.
In any case, this was posted about issues like this one months ago:
"by Rex - 284 day(s) ago
We had several issues. A pretty costly light blew up a few month ago and the replacement one took a while to arrive so we had to film with two smaller lights which had some negative effects on the technical quality of a few shows. Also we noticed that the technical quality of the shows was slowly decreasing. It was becoming more and more difficult for post production to chroma key small or shiny objects. There is no "miss use" of the equipment by the photographers as the lights and camera settings don't change. There is no heat issue as we must use cold lights to avoid fans to be able to record clean sound for DB.
We switched the camera fearing the CMOS censor would be getting old,but with no result. We're now replacing all the lights of the studio (we have a ton) because we suspect their intensity have been decreasing. We also have been working for months now on a new camera to film in 4k. We lost a lot of time try to work with the red scarlett and finaly found another one with a better rendering of the image. All post production chain also had to be upgraded and by the end of january we're filming our first show with new lights and 4k camera. This is just to say we are constantly working on quality but it sometimes takes time to reach your screen. You'll be pleased when you see it."
And indeed, it was a better quality, but then again new technical stuff should be playing a big part on this, cameras, software, etc, but, as said, subpar video quality is something that just happens now and then and well, the company tries to improve it as fast and as they go, so the stream girls keeps on, as everybody likes.