September 20, 2013 , 翻译为ZH (显示翻译) , 从EN翻译 (展示原始文件) To determine which set of boobs is the best of all VGHD to date, several polls will be held in the coming weeks, with several heats and a final for the sizes ‘small’ (using filter ‘tiny tits’ in the store), ‘large’ (using filter ‘big boobs’ in the store) and ‘medium’ (the rest of the virtuagirls).
The top 2 or 3 girls (depending on amount of heats) of each heat will be pitted against the other heat winners of the same size.
Then the top 3 girls of each size will compete in the final poll to decide who has the best pair of tits in all VGHD (to date).
Here's heat 4 of the VGHD big boobed girls!
Who's got the best vghd big boobs? heat 4/5
84 投票