September 18, 2013 (edited) , 翻译为ZH (显示翻译) , 从EN翻译 (展示原始文件)
DMon1981 is probably correct that you cannot have more than one VGHD subscription at one time. As a matter of fact, I once had a problem not being able to have both a VGHD subscription and a DeskBabes subscription at the same time (since corrected). The problem was not from Totem, it was from the third party biller who would not let me start a different subscription as long as I had any active un-expired subscription. Presumably, that problem is now fixed for everyone.
In the meantime, if you are feeling impatient about starting receiving multiple cards each day, I respectfully suggest you try subscribing to DeskBabes. If you like VGHD, you'll probably love DeskBabes. Unfortunately(?), DeskBabes only offers a one-card-per-day subscription, but it's well worth it. You can start immediately receiving one of each per day, and once you upgrade your VGHD subscription to four per day, then you'll be receiving a total of five various cards per day.
Welcome and enjoy!