Some of the polls that members create in this forum are very thought provoking and fun, and some are also frustrating because they only allow each of us only one vote. For example, in the polls for "Best newcomer in 2012" or "Who has the best (fill in the blank)?," it's so hard to have to pick only one. Why not have a kind of poll where we can cast multiple votes with more "points" going to our favorite, with a schedule of declining "poll points" going to our second place, third place, etc.?
I hope this is not too much trouble, but the number-crunching involved would be a piece of cake for the computer. I would like to see a schedule of declining points for these tough decisions as follows:
First choice gets 10 "poll points."
Second choice gets 7 points.
Third choice gets 5 points.
Fourth choice gets 3 points.
Fifth choice gets 1 "poll point."
An important aspect of this schedule is that the largest gap is between first and second place.
If allowing each voter to cast some kind of vote for as many as five girls is way too complicated, a simpler schedule could be 5 points for first choice, 3 for second, and 1 for third place.
If implemented, I believe this system would both make the voting more fun and the results more meaningful. But as with everything we want, it's more work for Totem.
Do you want to be able to cast votes for first, second, third place, etc. in certain polls?
29 投票
Yes -- sounds like fun: give me a chance to vote for my top five choices
Yes, but giving me a chance to vote for three is plenty
No -- one person, one vote, Period!