Let me be clear.
Tacia approached me by PM a number of days ago setting out his desire to create new topics with backgrounds and feature pics of various VG models.
At the time, my advice to Tacia wa
"We are not supposed to post nude pics of other studios work unless it is in the category reserved for such work and then whe we post we are supposed to click the applicable radio button so that a link is put to the other studio's web site.
Now if you have a revolving selection of pics/wallpapers they are probably from different sites and some may not be captured by the prepared hyperlink options.
There is the option of using an "other"as I recall, but we were wanting to stay with the list Totem has.
If you could stay with pic/wallpapers taken from studios on the approved list then that should be OK.
Also in that category nude pics are allowed so there is no ned to censor the pics or screen shots.
Hope this answers the questions?"
My advice was INCORRECT. Totem's amended policy was to not allow any pic created for a commercial organisation (as opposed to one that I may take for myself) UNLESS the correct hyperlink was displayed under the pic.
Unfortunately to date, the ability to add these hyperlinks has not bee provided outside the restricted area.
This means that no commercial pic can currently be posted in the open areas, nudity or not.
CV was totally correct in her rulling and suvbsequent action. The error in giving Tacia incorrect advice was mine.
Your comments were not warranted and were out of line. If a mod tells you "NO" then if you repeat the action you are breaching the T&C's and that will not be tolerated. If you do not like the ruling, then approach another mod via PM and ask them to check. We mods do talk with one another.
Sorry for the incorrect advice, we are currently seeking additional information from Totem, but Until that time, what CV has stated is correct in as much as we know. CV's actions were correct snd as such I fully endorse them.