March 11, 2012 (edited) , 翻译为ZH (显示翻译) , 从EN翻译 (展示原始文件) I'm sure you've all had this experience:You've had cards by a certain VG babe that you thought-"Meh...not so hot"...watched her a few times...then decided to "bench her" ...delete her, for whatever reasons.
Later, suddenly watching her trailer, looking at her pics, seeing her on another site, whatever...gets you soooo turned on to her that you just have to have her back, so you re-download her ...have with her (or just watch her),and almost can't believe that you've ever deleted her!
I'm just having that experience with Carla Pacini...I had her earlier 2 cards...watched them a few times...decided to delete them to save space...
Recently her "Boss's Wife" card demo has been playing in my carousel rotation & I was struck by how much of a Classic & Classy beauty she is! How sensually & seductively she moves and, of course, her classic "trim babe with an amazing ass" body!
On a pure "beautiful babe" FantaSexin' aspect alone she is amazing, when she moves & shows that incredible ass...I'm like an aspect in the Board Game "CLUE"...
"It's...Carla Pacini's ASS...On my face....In the Bedroom!"
I have always liked a COMPLETE seductive experience (although I am often asking for the explicit to balance things in cards )and I love it when the less explicit action turns me on completely!
I am wondering ...What babes have re seduced YOU & how did YOU have such re turned on experiences here on VG?
Please share your exciting pixelated VG seduction experiences in as much detail as you wish!
Here's Carla!