It may seem so...
...but it's the weekend!
I feel it too sometimes. Especially when I view some of the babes listed in "If you don't want to know..." thread.
There are similarities of "type"...
- "blonde slender babe with small tits"
"Buxom babe natural tits"(Blaze, Marjana,etc.)
"less than inspired newbie"
"overly shy newbie"
"Too giggly & less erotic DB duos consisting of the above types"
I think this boredom (indifference) is enhanced, especially in us guys who've been here a longer time like you & I.
Being primarily a user of this site for pleasure I've developed a style of watching that tries not to "overexpose" the babes by too much just "lookee-lookin'" on my part.This has it's own negative effects ( my just discovering the incredible Nicole Vanilla, whose cards I've had for awhile, is a case in point).
But Totem having their "taste" in babes (leans heavily toward "slender-white") & the girls being non dancers for the most part repeating a certain similar group of moves ("tick-tock hip sway-stroking body,etc.")makes it all seem like "been here, done that" sometimes.
I guess treating the babes like a managing a sports team helps me a bit.Use/view yer faves & bench others (delete temporarily )as desired, then call 'em up later .
Lord knows there ultimately is plenty of Variety here once we get past 300 cards...
We just have to manage the variety factor in our own heads!
Creating different FantaSexin' in our imagination use that is.
If you're a pure "lookee looker" only...I guess just benching certain girls for a time would help.
I am reminded of deleting Elya for a long time due to not my liking her movement style THEN suddenly having a Fantasy of "Sex with the pretty ***** girl from my workplace at a party" & I was off for a whirlwind "cyber affair" with her for a week having re-downloaded her cards fer the orgy!
She's back on the bench now.....
I'm just sayin'.....
Play on ....Magic fingers!!