Interesting info:
Made me curious, since I like to play Roulette, and I know there are times when a Number has come up, too many times in a given night that it seems like it is just not Random. Or a Number I've played for Days on end Just doesn't come up at all.
( True Randomness is that On each and every pick, every number has just as much chance to be picked as all the others, regardless of any previous results. It is possible with True Randomness, that the same exact number could come up 1000 times in a row.)
I have a roulette simulator that lets you simulate 1 spin, 1000 spins, or Billions of Spins.
You put in your list of bets, and values, and number of Spins.
It then tells you if you won or lost..
( for 1000 spins or less, you CAN come out ahead. )
Once you get past 100,00 spins the Odds catch up, and you are at even money, or a loss.
And it will give a report
What numbers are HOT, what Numbers are Cold, how many times each one came up, and Runs - of the Max number of times a number has come up consecutively.
I ran 10 billion spins one time. It took about 5 hours to finish.
When it was done, there was one number that came up like 400 times in a row..
Okay Back on Subject here. That just made me think about Randomness..
So I wrote a quick little program.
It Picks 8 different Random Numbers a Day ( no duplicates on the same day )
for 365 days a year
The Random cards are out of a selection of 860 cards.
I ran it for 365 days ( 1 Year )
I ran it for 3650 days ( 10 years )
I ran it multiple times at 365 days.
On several runs, I did see one card have more then 10 hits..
So it is possible that Cards picked at Random could be picked more often than expected.
Notice that on the 10 Year runs, there Always was at least 1 card that Never got picked.
Maybe totem is using some type of Weighted factor when selection the cards?
Or it Just could be Random...