All VGHD cards have been produced in the HD standard ( except for the Classics)
So YES every Card is Fully HD or Better.
From my post here:
by vip Wyldanimal - 46 day(s) ago
Just A reminder that the HD Standard by Definition is 720 lines Vertical.
The best screen settings for 720p HD recorded media would be:
1024 x 768
1280 x 720
This would display the Recorded media at 100% size and fill the Screen from top to bottom.
There are also HD 1080P and 1080i, but to call a video HD, all that is required is to process it at 720p
So if Totem is Recording in HD 720p then to display Above 720p, the Image must be Stretched, and it looses some clarity and definition.
With your Screen Display at 1920 x 1080, and a Native recording of 720p, you would have a Zoom Factor of 140% ( rounded to 20%) 1080 / 720
Depending on the graphics card and other elements of the display system, 140% enlargement Might not Look so good. Pixelated and maybe jagged edges..
( PS. the Screen Saver used Hardware Acceleration to do anti-aliasing enhancement of the Native image. So the playback does look better in the screen saver than it does on the desktop.)