It all boils down to cost versus selection.
The more tickets you buy the cheaper, so lets consider the most cost effective. 50 for $50.
So you are looking at $2 per card (or waiting and hoping to catch on sale) and you get only the cards that you want.
You are unlikely to stumble on a gem.
You are likely to get 25 to 50 cards.
The subscription, again consider the most cost effective. $59.70 for 6 months.
For that you get around 186 days (half a year) plus 10 tickets.
Thats 186 cards plus lets 5 more. Nearly 200 cards for less than $10 more.
You will have a mixture of cards. Some you *****, some you would have got anyway.
It probably depends on how many you would have liked. If you like 25% of the cards, on average you should still get close to 50 that you like. Even if you only like 10%, thats 19 so perhaps significantly lower than the 25.