Welcome Connex, to yer fellow Oogleistas!
You've got a nice collection started.
Susie & Shabba are our Pro athletic, non explicit, pole workin' wonder babes.
(No one holds a dildo to them when it comes to acrobatic PoleWorkingAbility & ShowBabeShip!)
Olga Barz is amazing in her ability to get down and enjoy being a StripperBabe too.
For me online strippers are primarily here to get us off!
Whereas babes in a club are here to primariliy entertain & to get you to buy more drinks!
- Vicky S-"STRIP CLUB" is not wrongly titled!
She has the beauty,the bod', the moves, the 'tude, AND THE ENJOYMENT AND ABILITY Of PERFORMANCE to completely be "The VG girl You'd most like to get a Lap Dance from!"
- Sandra H-"SENSUAL SILK"-She is the most liquid SexyFlowEtic babe on this site. No one else moves in the undulatory smooth way that she does.(Sometimes when I watch her,her wrist movement almost gets me off!)She's not explicit,(neither "show" or "finger") but you won't miss it!
- You have a Morgane show...Get
"IPANEMA CLUB".I think she's one of the most steady, reliable, competent, sexy, StripperBabes on VG with probably the best all round body.
- Davon Kim-"DRAGON'S BREATH" She's a hot, li'l Minx StripperBabe with a tight bod' and a hot 'tude coupled with a sexy wiggle in ALL her cards-She's a full on stripper & she loves it(apparently!)!
- Zafira-"IVORY GODDESS" Zafira's a SexySunsuGoddess and in THAT dress She is Prime Lap Dance Babage!
- Natali Blond-"COCONUT MILK"-Natali's hot, stacked, cute, wigglin', deep fingerin' BlondBabege is prime in this card. Like Zafie above, she "breathes" & wiggles the dress!
- Lorena-"SANGRIA" Flowing sensual BEAUTY incarnate. A SexSensual delight who delights to be so.LEGS THAT WANNA BE YER EARMUFFS!
(She smiles from both ends of her alimentary canal!)...huh?...yeah!!
Our queen Melissa...I suggest starting with "BUTTER CUP" as it is her most complete show.In earlier cards she has held back on her Explicit (showing) StripperBabeNess but here she acknowledges it and "gives it up!"
...of the newer babes I like Silvie Delux, Playful ***** (NAUGHTY MAID" is just effervescent in it's joyous sexy playfulness!)Monika,Chelsea French,Satin Bloom,Ashley Bulgari, etc.
Babes that do full on EXPLICIT finger insertions (ala Natali)
Mia Hilton-most cards (NOT SCHOOL-BIRD_)
Mai-All cards
Marie-" "
Monica Scott-"YOUNG LADY"
Susan-"Sweet Day"
Natali-Most cards..(NOT TEXAS-INDY)
Sharka Blu-(Blue Beach is my fave!)
Domminno does a brief dip too.
(Avoid Carpel Tunnel syndrome!)
Pics-Vicky S-Zafira-Natali
WOW! VocalGraphic!!
(...great eye candy too!)