December 30, 2010 (edited) , 翻译为ZH (显示翻译) , 从EN翻译 (展示原始文件)
Hopefully longer form clips & better pre-performance direction to the girls will even those levels out..I really think that showing ALL new models the Jana Cova solo vid might help in showing both the erotic content desired for the show & the tone with which it is to be delivered!
I personally dislike the abundance of hissing that the girls do & the lame sex talk,("do you like my body" "show you our sexy bodies" etc. Although Blue Angel says similar things like these in her recent solo & THEY REALLY WORK, 'cause she's a better sex actress).
Acting is as it is...sometimes good...sometimes not so good!
Which is why we have directors!
I don't suppose there is much chance for direction beyond the basics on shooting day. Perhaps more could be done via pre shooting preparation & suggestions to the girls!
I more commonly give the girls some leeway in the erotic sound area and grimace more in the somewhat lame, "R" rated, sex talk area of performance.
Hell! Y'think the girls moaning is bad...Just be glad you can't hear me at "appropriately ecstatic times"...
The beavers across the meadow, under the pond, prick up their ears in critter wonder, and say, "Is he mating AGAIN??!"