August 1, 2010 (edited) , 翻译为ZH (显示翻译) , 从EN翻译 (展示原始文件) Add me to the list.I want also Viki(Veronika Fasterova) back.
The votes say a lot.I think Totem should consider it that poll and take some measures about that:))
82 procent voted YES and 18 procent voted no.
Is a big difference,don`t you think so?
We wait a reply from Team IF they are thinking to bring back the gorgeous Viki:)
The Team didn`t say nothing (yes or no).I don`t understand why.It is an old poll(125 days ago),but people continue to post as I can see.
I want to believe that desire of the members is important for the Team.
Don`t you want to believe also?:)
At least ,I will be satisfied with an answer from the Team.
Of course they will decide IF they will bring back Viki,but the fact they don`t come with a reply I don`t like it at all.
I mean ,an old thread(125 days ago) and they didn`t come yet with an answer(positive or negative)???
Hmmmm,I don`t like it.
Picture 1 -Viki in Greek Goddess
Picture 2 - Viki in Lemons and Cherries
Picture 3 - Viki in Naughty *****
A duo with Ariel will be great:)