@Geeky2 have your use the option browze when you have install on the new computer,
if yes made sur you have not write in the and of the path /VGHD.
then now the best to do copy again your shows in one new folder, not all file of the data folder, only the folder in.
then all the folder models
and only the folder of the folder data
uninstall VGHD
install again and give the new path without write VGHD
ex: you have creat
d:/herevir/vghdthen you write only
d:/herevirand wait the time the program rebuild all files in the data folder.
if you like the risk !!! you can trie my script !!!!
http://mapage.noos.fr/cumulus33/INTER/utile.HTMthe option for choose one new location is (14)
the procedure is easy,
i ask what hard drive you want use and i ask what name is the folder where you have place the folder VGHD and i made all next. use a simple name, no special caractére and too big.
use the option (15) for change the langage you want use. only for the version XP.
have luck.