October 3, 2009 (edited) , 翻译为ZH (显示翻译) , 从EN翻译 (展示原始文件) I was searching the forum for a tutorial on how to make replacement cards, to pick up any tips, but I could'nt find any. So I made one!
Most of the replacement cards are nude, so only available to platinum members. This is for everyone.
If you prefer to use the originals, or collections created by other members, fair enough! Some members put a lot of time & effort in making cards, they should be applauded! This is'nt about undermining others work, its simply to show you how to be creative!
I use Photoshop CS3, but this tuto uses only VERY basic functions which, hopefully translates to other graphics programmes. I've listed them & posted the icons so a beginner could easily create their own collection.
Use any background, any text font, & any luscious VGHD girl, & see what you can do!