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On Strike for Ethnic Diversity

  论坛 / 关于iStripper的一切

已加入 在 Dec 2008

258 发布
January 25, 2010
if totem dosent see the apeal of models like this another web site is going to come along that will!and by then it will be to late!ive been with totem over 10 years i hope they dont let this much as ive enjoyed this and other totem products over the years i will spend my money elsewhere if a better option comes along
已加入 在 Mar 2008

2336 发布
January 25, 2010
Stunning !!!
已加入 在 Dec 2008

258 发布
January 25, 2010
i want to marry her but my wife wont let me LOL
已加入 在 Jan 2009

740 发布
January 25, 2010
Tits and colour both in the same package?

WoW,, all I can say is WoW-D-Dooooooo! Honey I want You.
已加入 在 Dec 2007

1325 发布
January 25, 2010
A gift for titilate's elation AND a titillation to the rest of us who are thus inclined!
Just like the adds fer the Lottery state..."Just imagine the feeling"....of seeing Beauty & Pulchritude such as hers slinking,pumping, seducing, & givin' it up to you on yer desktop!
Ahhh....The mind boggles ..... & alas,....the gonads do not...(yet)

Nyomi Banxx she be!
已加入 在 Jan 2009

740 发布
January 25, 2010
Ohhhh! plasonic, I had to do a re-read of your post,,,Now I see what you said , it was "A gift for titilate's elation". Damn cataracts, first several times it read "erection"..
Thanks plasonic,, she looks simply yummy,,, yum yum,,, lick lick,,slurp,,, Oh Oh,excuse me I feel an elation coming on.
已加入 在 Jan 2009

740 发布
February 18, 2010
Well I think the tickets I have on hand will be lasting a considerable time since I can only use them to buy ethnically diverse cards as long as The Strike is on,,, possibly at my age I have a "life-time supply":) Since resuming my strike I have only been able to obtain 2 cards, Krystel's - Tropical Summer and Kayla's - Pleasant Evening. Both well worth the 2 tickets each I might add.

Oh well, it certainly makes it very economical as long as I don't have to purchase any more tickets. Plus instead of, as I have been previously accused "downloading large numbers of white chixs cards" as well as ethnically diverse, it gives me more time to spend being a proverbial thorn in Totems ass:)
Just asking for a "reasonble" number of gals of a darker shade of colour that's all. I like a proportional quantity of dark and white meat on my plate when I eat chicken:)
已加入 在 Nov 2008

1848 发布
February 18, 2010
Sorry i can't join your strike because i like some of those white chicks too much for that. Angelique and Lorena are to beautiful to pass on. Still i support your wish for more diversity and if i read Stanze post right i think he also got the message. You made a lot efforts to find ethnic girls living in Paris and i really hope that Stanze will honour that. Looks like he is the one to cast the girls and then Rex says yes or no to them.
So he is the guy that has to be convinced first.
已加入 在 Mar 2008

35 发布
March 9, 2010 (edited)
Has the strike died out?

Well, I'm out for good, good luck guys but I quit

I'm off to BROWNER pastures if you know what I mean...

Edit: picture removed
已加入 在 Mar 2008

35 发布
March 9, 2010 (edited)
... places with a little more COLOR

Edit: picture removed
已加入 在 Mar 2008

35 发布
March 9, 2010 (edited)
and Totem can kiss my ass

Edit: picture removed please refrain from posting pictures of explicit nudity, this is against the rules in this part of the forum
已加入 在 Jan 2009

740 发布
March 10, 2010
@Calikidd , sorry to see you are giving up here, but NO Definitely The Strike is NOT over. There are a lot of striking members, as can be seen in previous posts here, that have simply stopped buying any tickets. Waiting patiently for Totem to become fairer in their providing more diverse girls other than the cloned caucasian ones of late. I for one have only been able to download 2 cards in the past two months,, Krystel-Tropical Summer and Kayla-Pleasant Evening due to my refusal to purchase any caucasian cards until Totem makes a reasonable compromise in models of other races. This can be confirmed by the continual number of members vacating the forum and site.
已加入 在 Mar 2008

2336 发布
March 10, 2010
Browner Pastures ???
That means VGuy !!!
已加入 在 May 2008

61 发布
March 10, 2010
wigston say,have you been there nat,VGuy nat,not Browner Pastures nat,or have you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
已加入 在 Mar 2008

2336 发布
March 10, 2010
Just that once when you asked nat which card you should buy next, Wigs !!!
已加入 在 Jan 2009

740 发布
March 10, 2010
Don't believe him wigston,, you know Didge is always yellin' for more Bums,,, Bums:)
已加入 在 Mar 2008

2336 发布
March 10, 2010
I thought Cottageing was House Hunting 'til I Met Wigston !!!
已加入 在 Jan 2009

740 发布
March 20, 2010
I have spent considerable time pondering as to "Why does it seem that nobody cares what cards Totem puts out?" I think I have solved it. Totem is continuously changing its product and puts these out for beta testing by the members, right? "RIGHT YOU ARE BY CRACKY",, Ok then, thus putting what appears to be the bulk of membership into a frenzy of technical innovation and delirium previously unheard of in human society. As they go furiously about this techy quanundrum, brain cells catapulting electrons between each other or attempting to find one,in an amazing display not unlike the most superb fireworks show ever immagined. Random screen shots fill our monitors bringing delight to all.
Alas, with all their time, energy and brainpower caught up in this glorious quest for Totem perfection there is no longer a need for girly shows and dancing beauties or quality cards of fairly distributed ethnically diverse honeys:)

已加入 在 Jul 2008

103 发布
March 21, 2010 (edited)
Wow titilate you must really put a lot of effort into making almost unintelligible posts.Your continued criticism of Totem is getting old.
Requesting more variety of the ethnicity of models is one thing.But to continually berate the product is ridiculous.I do wish for more ethnic diversity.In particular more latin(Hispanic)women and some more
Asian,Indian,South American,and even some Arabian women.Also I would like to see some black women but prefer lighter skinned women such as Halle Berry or Beyonce.But I do not have a problem with Totem's product.Sugesting things is one thing but demanding is another.
已加入 在 Feb 2010

93 发布
March 21, 2010
Well said CyberVixen, I buy the shows I want to buy & miss out the shows I don't!
已加入 在 Jan 2009

740 发布
March 21, 2010
@kjohnn,, Thank you for your support for the need and desire for a more fair distribution of ethnic diversity of models.It is much appreciated.. However, I must add it is not Totems "product" as far as software that I am criticizing it is Totems diversion of members attention away from the quality and type of their cards that they are presenting to us that concerns me.
已加入 在 Mar 2008

2336 发布
March 22, 2010
Where have all the Black girls gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the Black girls gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the Black girls gone?
Ignored by Totem every one
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?........

已加入 在 Feb 2010

93 发布
April 12, 2010
To Help You in Your quest for diversity, Hope this dosn't get You too flushed! This song has a bit of Diversity, its lyrics have different meanings! Depends how You read them! Enjoy.
已加入 在 Jan 2009

740 发布
April 18, 2010
Since my editorials apparently do not please some folk even when published in a more connected thread:) I will post todays editorial on World Events here where it has absolutely no connection:)
I am sure that several of you have heard reports of a bit of a volcanic eruption in Iceland that is causing a little flying flap in Europe. Well, the good news is that last time she blew her stack about 190 years ago the eruption only lasted a year or two. So it's hard to say how long this sputter will last and I guess that will pretty much up to someone in higher authority than I to determine and give it orders to quit doing that. In the interim I have been giving the subject deep thought as to the reason and possible help in quelling it's *****. I was thinking that if they could drop a big boulder or cork into it that may work. But then I got remembering that old Wile E. Coyote on the Roadrunner had experimented with that on various occasions and it did not work well. So don't try that. Another idea I came up with was to build a huge smoke stack with a "scrubber" in it like they do on big industries to remove the dust and crap before it gets into the atmosphere? This may have potential if the Russians have a helicopter large enough to pick 'er up and set her down over the hole. Just an idea,, always trying to help you know;)as long as they dont blame Canada,, cuz we didnt do it but get blamed for most things that go wrong by friendly neighbours:)
Now for the possible cause. Iceland has been doing a lot of bragging about being nearly self sufficient in "green" energy not reliant on fossil fuel *****. Well, they apparently have been drilling holes down into the areas of volcanic conditions that have vast pools of hot water and steam. These happily head for the surface and they use these resources to heat towns and generate electricity. Well, I cautioned them earlier that perhaps they should take a tad of care in sticking too many of those drill bits down there. That perhaps they could just get into the wrong place and stir up a nest of hornets if you get my drift:) Well my guess is Eureka they found it,, and now they have an overabundance of self sufficiency and are exporting the excess to Europe and the World?
已加入 在 Mar 2008

2336 发布
April 18, 2010
It is Very Efficiently Assisting in the Security Precautions at Heathrow, and, to Date, Not ONE Plane has been Hi-Jacked !!!
已加入 在 Jul 2009

770 发布
April 18, 2010
Hey Titilate, they will blame us anyways. Somebody will realise that the best drillers in the world come from Canada thereby coming to the conclusion that it was a Canadian drill team that stirred up the hornet's nest.
已加入 在 Jan 2009

740 发布
April 22, 2010
I know many are anxious for my next editorial to be published. So I thought I would keep this one slightly more on topic so as not to inferiate anyone:)
I wandered over to the New Deskbabes site a while ago to see what was up and if the excitement was still ecstatic.
Well, I can report that there is still a pretty impressive crowd milling about awaiting the apparent soon/sometime official opening;) It was also hard to miss the accumulating mass of preview posters representing the new shows. However, I did notice the apparent and pronounced ***** of any girls, other than caucasian, even though, if my memory is correct , there was some muttering a time back of the possibility of these being included? But I guess not.

It seems the only option ,other than be satisfied with what little bit of colour we currently have on VG , is to join the apparent multitude willing to kew up for months waiting for the" Grand Opening of the new Deskbabes Ice Cream Parlour" ,advertising 150 new flavours of Vanilla Ice Cream.
已加入 在 Dec 2008

258 发布
April 22, 2010
ive also noticed an ***** of large boobs.but this comes as no for all the trouble you canadians have caused in iceland all i can say is at least we americans arent geting blamed for a change:)
已加入 在 Jan 2009

740 发布
April 22, 2010 (edited)
Thanks CyberVixen,, luckily there are still a few of us here that wish to see more diversity in the models including race,,ability to actually dance and even doing a good strip:) However, if you are anything like myself it seems that to see our hopes is like we are wandering alone in the desert or farting into the wind:)

@v2now, Yes I fully understand,,you chaps can usually be blamed for most worldwide ills but do not ***** it will come to you once again.. As I remember your president say many times ,,,"Yes We Can" :)
已加入 在 Dec 2008

258 发布
April 22, 2010
obama's to busy f@ckin up our country he hasnt got time for the rest of the world yet.but dont worry im sure he'll get to it!


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