The next couple of posts are a bit off topic, But good information to know.
changing a clip name:Example:
BehindTaskbar clips carry a
value of 2FrontTaskbar clips carry a
value of 1So take this clip name as an example
e1555_6153101.vghdthe last 3 digits are the Level, and 2 digit code,
101remove them and you are left with
6153that is the type of clip this is.
it can be Linked at the start which is
value 4096it can be linked at the end which is
value 2048it was filmed in Full Frame which is
value 8it is BehindTaskbar which is
value 1add them all up and you get
6153to Make it a FrontTaskbar clip,
subtract 1 to remove the BehindTaskbar Value
add 2 to add the Fronttaskbar value
the result is
6154add back the 3 digits
101e1555_6154101.vghdWhat are the codes?
65536 - glass
32768 - starts Nude
16384 - spin at end
8192 - spin at start
4096 - linked at start
2048 - linked at end
1024 - top of screen / Swing
512 - cage
256 - not used
128 - not used
64 - In/out (ignore entrance spot and start at screen edge )
32 - includes an Accessory
16 - holds a Sign ( buy me )
8 - filmed in Full Frame ( older clips did not film the full legs in front of the task bar )
4 - Pole
2 - behind taskbar
1- front of taskbar
0 - standing
How to Decode a clip number?
Take off the last 3 digits of the clip name.
Now, find the Largest Number in the list above than can be subtracted from the remaining number
The Clip has that Feature.
subtracted it. and Now you have the Remainder.
Repeat the above step, till you can't subtract anything else.
you now have a list of all of that clips features.