It is proving pretty obvious that there is not a 1 in 41 chance for any particular show to appear in the eight dailies. Just observing over time and knowing my purchases (After the first few bundles of tickets getting interesting shows for 2 tickets each, I went to 50 ticket shots and buying for one ticket wherever possible,) there seems to be some allotments to favour certain cards that otherwise are not selling. Offhand, it could be a system where the bottom quarter or third are guaranteed three of the eight slots on a weighted basis, one slot is guaranteed to a card in the top third or quarter, and the rest are random through the overall range.
For the bottom range, it seems that the weighting is something like 10-rating, making the lower rated more likely to appear because, honestly, who is really interested in paying two tickets for any of them? If there is a weighting on those in the top group, it is their ranking, but the difference between 9.3 and 8.7 is far less than 10-4.8 and 10-8.1, so the topmost cards don't get to be overly favoured.
At one ticket each, I was picking up four cards a day early on while building my collection, but as a VIP as of earlier this week, I am down to one or two that aren't too poorly rated for me to use a ticket on (I have a floor of 8 unless I already have the lady and really like her) and that I don't already have. I also have a subscription, which thankfully doesn't follow the same probabilities to choose which cards to send me, although it has been generous with Elya. It also has been generous with Lola and Nicca, so I forgive it. That said, some women have not appeared since I have followed the daily eights, or only arrived rarely.
I am only guessing on this - it could be based on a ranking of sales weighting with the poor sellers more likely to be selected. Even at one ticket, some of the worst are not improving enough to be less commonly offered. Because the new tickets seem more likely to be offered on the second or third day of availability, it could be using a running week's sales for the rankings, so that they *look* like low sellers to be more likely to be offered. For Totem, if one ticket can be spent rather than zero, it is a reduced liability going forward (accountant's talk) and helps pay the cost of having done that show with that model in the past.