still no transparency.....thats been requested to come back in many forums
Well she is.
But this card is not.
that is exactly what the offer says...
you already have a card or cards from her, so they are showing you a different one.
and are not so happy now that they have to put in a bit more effort to check regularly.
Seriously, if you want the card, just buy it...not everyone live his life the way to spend the most money he can...
Does a 10% discount make that much of a difference.
for a new member with no Level discount that amounts to fighting over $0.25
and if you also have a level Discount, it's even less than $0.25
My thoughts are, If you want the card, just buy the card..
Does a 10% discount make that much of a difference.
for a new member with no Level discount that amounts to fighting over $0.25
and if you also have a level Discount, it's even less than $0.25
Seriously, if you want the card, just buy it...
and that contribution is my 25 cents worth...
@Virt4B - You have to remember that the usual purpose of a discount is to increase the amount of money spent by customers, not reduce it as you seem to want it to do. They are offered because they are in the sellers interest, not because they benefit the buyer. This is should true of any business and Totem is not an exception.
exactly that's what I meant.
Cards I didn't wanted to buy I sometimes bought with the discount - more benefit for Totem.
Now I dont.
Think we mean the same from a different point of view ;)
For me girls fall into three categories:
1. Immediate Buy(can't wait)
2. Wait for 20% discount
3. Absolutely Not(Never buy)
still no transparency.....thats been requested to come back in many forums... and since many YearsEncore maintenant je ne comprends toujours pas pourquoi ça a été supprimé et encore moins pourquoi le retour de ce featuring n'a même pas encore été évoqué alors qu'à l'époque déjà il avait été dit que cela ne causerait aucune difficulté technique particulière.Tout cela était parti d'une question qui avait été posé par @Rex. A l'époque ou il demandait ce que certain aimeraient voir de nouveau dans la version suivante (c'était bien avant iStripper)Tout comme moi à l'époque du sondage en question, beaucoup ne se sont pas ......
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