The advent calendar is broken again... no new card today!Yep, again no card today. This time i got a 404 error server did not respond in time, and that's all i see for the event calendar.
All my Advent Calendar cards were, without warning, removed from my collection - AND I received my credits back! The latter I did receive a Support note about. I had to discover the missing cards, while trying to `talk' Support into keeping the credits for the cards that I did get. That is when I found that the December cards were all gone! No credits were necessary to deduct - because all of those cards had been secretly repossessed!
But all things considered, my problems is, now - in buying back the cards, for which credits are taken, but the cards only have `invalid clips'. They do not play.
The deal is that anyone who buys the advent calendar is getting a triple diamond discount bonus.
Get the 24 first shows released in December ONE day in advance + a UNIQUE & EXCLUSIVE show released on Dec. 25 ONLY for advent calendar owners
Just bought the calendar and all December shows are saying coming soon???Do I need worry??? I want to party before my birthday on the 23rd this month! \m/
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