@Totem @iStripperOne of my major roles - before retirement - was as a systems auditor. Agreed, my Australian rules/requirements will be different from other countries and over time. Which is why it is always best to go back to the governing Forum Rules (attached - with my highlights). While it is intimidating for a Moderator - that title on display under the avatar - to enter a thread, making declaratives - which I. for one, found offensive - the one aspect you should be able to `bet' on, is that the Moderator, in any capacity, knows the Forum Rules. Right? That the capacity should have been disclosed up front - and subsequently has here in THREE posts - shows Wyldanimal's acknowledgement of that misjudgement and many attempts to correct - even while avoiding other points raised from his remarks - notably those of
@TokyoGorePolice (very much to the real point of the concerns as to
@Wyldanimal post).
I must admit, well before I entered the Forum, I tested the waters, so to speak, by simply reading. I did read another of
@Wyldanimal posts. In it he was expressing dismay at the proliferation of `rainbow' flags as a ratio to USA flags. While, I expect the views expressed in that thread, were a sincere ***** for the affects on others in society, there was evidence there, too, that his ***** were paramount and held precedence over the resulting concerns and ***** of other thread users. While then also making it clear, later, that he was acting as a member in that posting, it seemed to dismiss the affect on others. Perhaps that is the Moderator-type attitude even while in the capacity of a member only.
In this thread, the enormous leap from the sexuality of dancing females was made to
Attraction between the Opposite Sex is Genetically encoded into each Sex.
Males are genetically programmedto be Attracted to Females and Vice a Versa..
It's only through Social Conditioning, or an early ***** experience that this natural Attraction becomes altered.
I don't want to open up the whole Gender Can of Worms.
but I follow the Scientifically and Medically Proven facts that there are only Two Genetic Genders.
Having undertaken psychological studies, at university, for years, I was astounded at so an ill-informed declaration. Would it hold the same weight if I declared that `I can walk on water'. The declaration should have been followed - if examined under the rules of proof with a `trust me'.
@Wyldanimal has a predilection for gaming. He appears to have invested a great deal of time and money and enjoyment in that field. Ultimately it is expected that gaming will go `virtual' or close. Games will sell on how virtual their appeal is to the buyer. There will be no real-world application, only having a gamer immerse themselves into the virtual world they want.
I have
@Wtldanimal passion for the real world. I have experienced it deeply and have, I am sure, enormous investment in it. I cannot purchase or develop a real world in `my image' and subject to my `wants' and `preferences'. Nor quote from unnamed sources which coincidently repeat my preferences back to me. My interests are in psychology and sociology. My interests, if I am serious (I am very serious) will take me into areas which, inevitably, cause me discomfort. But society is not going to conform with what I think should be. Nor gamer and Moderator
@Totem - with respect to the Rules for posting, the obvious fact that the affiliate query has been provided another thread to pursue, and the undoubted ***** and offense and embarrassment that `progression' of this thread can only bring - and the creation of any derivative thread likewise - I recommend here - and, if necessary will ask Management, by way of Support, that it be closed. No good will come from pursuing this thread. Only further departure from the Forum Rules!