I am just wondering whether anyone else is experiencing this: In the previews, I regularly get a selection of the top rated cards left in the store, which in my case starts with 4.50 and then it moves down to cards in the 4.30 range (roughly), and afterwards starts at the top again.
It might be connected to the update to the 4.80 version, and I remember, when I started using the new preview push system, that I got many lower rated cards, too (and there are some real gems among them, I would not have discovered, and bought, otherwise).
I can see the appeal that you regularly get cards offered with the highest "value" determined by the ratings, but
a) if I pass on a card once or twice or three times, chances are high I will pass on them again (even if highly rated), and
b) for me at least, the highest rated cards still left to purchase are to a very high degree istripperxxx cards, so that I get their previews pushed often (and often exactly those are discounted) which makes the previews even more similar (apart from the high degree of repetition) and me less likely to purchase shows that are pushed via the previews (and discounted).
I hope I put that clearly. It is also not meant to be a complaint, just wondering if other people are experiencing this, too (highest rated cards pushed repeatedly, many cards lower rated, below 4.30. never pushed), and if they have noticed a change in this, too. And I guess I am wondering whether this is actually the best model for Totem to have people buy more cards from the previews pushed (or if it is just me who finds this system not so helpful...).
Sorry, long post, hope it made sense.