Hi, I am not very technical please forgive me if this does not make sense, It's in my brain but don't know how to explain it in this computer jargon, so please bear with me.
I am running out of space on my second drive (it has the letter D on it)that is inside my computer (this VG takes up a lot of space)
I have bought another hard drive that will run outside of my computer by plugging in a usb cable.
( I hope I am doing okay explaining this)
On my inside second drive I have the VG folders (My son did something so that it all goes to the inside of my second drive inside the computer)
My son is away for the next 3 months, I rang him, but when he tried to explain he might as well have been talking Chinese to me.
What I want to do is move the VG folder to the drive that I have plugged into my computer outside of it (the one I have plugged in with the usb cable.)
(bear with me, I am almost finished I think)
If I move the folder to the drive that is outside of my computer with the usb cable (it says G) would I have to keep my computer with the outside drive turned on all the time to continue getting my cards because it is situated in the bedroom.
Also I have looked at the VG model folder and the folders inside do not have the same numbers as my cards.
Thank you for bearing with me I am certain that many of you technical people could have explained this in about 1 or 2 sentencesl....please don't give up on me *wipes away a tear*
Thank you in advance