Thank you tacia, wolffrnd for the vspoll already perform, I can not great thing, yes there were aleska diamond to propose recently, for your information this battle was programming since at least 1 month, I have a schedule that is up to the month of September, all the organizer of vspoll have a document summarizing all match which have been made and those that will appear until September.
If you want I can you sent the document simplify, with only a vspoll in advance (by next week).
Moitoucour, Tacia, Maverick and SpaceInvader each have a planning program until September and integrate in this document, to avoid maximum repeat we are in permanent contact and we propose a suggestion of vspoll, if on contact that it's likely to do too much closer, well we are lively to establish some small simple rules for this project is takes place in the best condition.
Sorry,if this post may aggressive parraitre but people who speaks without knowing it....
PS: wolffrnd offers us a VSpoll with the following rule:
Here are 5 rule that we we sum fix, they are simple and have been created recently.
1° Integrate a photo presentation of the VSpoll’s models (it facilitates reflection).
2° Must put in the title: VSpoll or Versus Poll.
3° Leave at least 2 month before repeating a girl.
4° Text accompanying opening artwork:
You are welcome to add your favorite Photo or User Artwork in support of your choice!
(Keep in mind we not allowed to post any image created for a commercial organization.)
5° bis For measurement of ease of editing of the document, please provide the following things:
I° A schedule of the VSpoll of at least 4 weeks.
II° An approximate date of the post.
III° If possible the card that will be use (as an option)